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MQTT Libraries & MQTT Broker

To use MQTT in the application we have variety of Libraries available for different programming languages.

MQTT Library

Eclipse PahoC, C++, Java, Javascript, Python, Go, C#Paho clients are among the most popular client library implementations.
Fusesource MQTT ClientJavaThe Fusesource MQTT client is a Java MQTT client with 3 different API styles: Blocking, Future-based, and Callback-based.
MQTT.jsJavascriptMQTT.js is an MQTT client library for Node.js and web applications, available as a npm module.
ruby-mqttRubyruby-mqtt is an MQTT client available as a Ruby gem. It does not support QoS > 0.

MQTT Broker

The broker is primarily responsible for receiving all messages (broker is like messaging server), filtering them, decide who is interested in it and then sending the message to all subscribed clients . MQTT Broker implementations: The table below shows some of the most popular open source and commercial broker implementations.

Broker ______Description
Apache ActiveMQActiveMQ is an open-source multi-protocol message broker with a core written around JMS. It supports MQTT and maps MQTT semantics over JMS.
Rabbit MQRabbitMQ is a scalable, open-source message queue implementation, written in Erlang. It is an AMQP message broker but has an MQTT plugin available. Does not support all MQTT features (e.g. QoS 2).
HiveMQHiveMQ is a scalable, high-performance MQTT broker suitable for mission critical deployments. It fully supports MQTT 3.1 and MQTT 3.1.1 and has features like websockets, clustering, and an open-source plugin system for Java developers.
WebsphereMQ /IBM MQWebsphere MQ is a commercial message- oriented middleware by IBM. Fully supports MQTT.

steps to install ActiveMQ broker

Go to ActiveMQ Website and download latest stable version of activeMQ

click here to activeMQ downloads

  • after downloading, unzip it

if you're using windows 32

  • Go to apache-activemq-5.14.3\bin\win32

if windows 64

  • apache-activemq-5.14.3\bin\win64
  • run the activemq batch file
  • thats it, activeMQ server is running on command prompt

if you want to see the UI Consle for activeMQ . to get how messages are organized and sending

got to http://localhost:8161/admin/ enter image description here

  • by default



  • then click on topic tab.

enter image description here

Topic tab gives info about how many topics are there and active consumers,produces, messages delivered or not.


Topic Id: 9130

Example Ids: 28345,28346

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