Getting started with Node.jsnpmWeb Apps With ExpressFilesystem I/OExporting and Consuming ModulesExporting and Importing Module in node.jsInstalling Node.jsMySQL integrationReadlinepackage.jsonEvent EmittersAutoreload on changesEnvironmentCallback to PromiseExecuting files or commands with Child ProcessesCluster ModuleException handlingKeep a node application constantly runningUninstalling Node.jsnvm - Node Version ManagerhttpUsing StreamsDeploying Node.js applications in productionSecuring Node.js applicationsMongoose Libraryasync.jsFile communicationMongodb integrationHandling POST request in Node.jsSimple REST based CRUD APITemplate frameworksNode.js Architecture & Inner WorkingsDebugging Node.js applicationNode server without frameworkNode.JS with ES6Interacting with ConsoleCassandra IntegrationCreating API's with Node.jsGraceful ShutdownUsing IISNode to host Node.js Web Apps in IISCLINodeJS FrameworksgruntUsing WebSocket's with Node.JSmetalsmithParsing command line argumentsClient-server communicationNode.js Design FundamentalConnect to MongodbPerformance challengesSend Web NotificationRemote Debugging in Node.JSMysql Connection PoolDatabase (MongoDB with Mongoose)Good coding styleRestful API Design: Best PracticesDeliver HTML or any other sort of fileTCP SocketsHackBluebird PromisesAsync/AwaitKoa Framework v2Unit testing frameworksECMAScript 2015 (ES6) with Node.jsRouting ajax requests with Express.JSSending a file stream to clientNodeJS with RedisUsing Browserfiy to resolve 'required' error with browsersNode.JS and MongoDB.Passport integrationDependency InjectionNodeJS Beginner GuideUse Cases of Node.jsSequelize.jsPostgreSQL integrationHow modules are loadedNode.js with OracleSynchronous vs Asynchronous programming in nodejsNode.js Error ManagementNode.js v6 New Features and ImprovementEventloopNodejs Historypassport.jsAsynchronous programmingNode.js code for STDIN and STDOUT without using any libraryMongoDB Integration for Node.js/Express.jsLodashcsv parser in node jsLoopback - REST Based connectorRunning node.js as a serviceNode.js with CORSGetting started with Nodes profilingNode.js PerformanceYarn Package ManagerOAuth 2.0Node JS LocalizationDeploying Node.js application without downtime.Node.js (express.js) with angular.js Sample codeNodeJs RoutingCreating a Node.js Library that Supports Both Promises and Error-First CallbacksMSSQL IntergrationProject StructureAvoid callback hellArduino communication with nodeJsN-APIMultithreadingWindows authentication under node.jsRequire()Route-Controller-Service structure for ExpressJSPush notifications

Installing Node.js

Other topics

Install Node.js on Ubuntu

Using the apt package manager

sudo apt-get update    
sudo apt-get install nodejs
sudo apt-get install npm
sudo ln -s /usr/bin/nodejs /usr/bin/node

# the node & npm versions in apt are outdated. This is how you can update them:
sudo npm install -g npm
sudo npm install -g n
sudo n stable # (or lts, or a specific version)

Using the latest of specific version (e.g. LTS 6.x) directly from nodesource

curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
apt-get install -y nodejs

Also, for the right way to install global npm modules, set the personal directory for them (eliminates the need for sudo and avoids EACCES errors):

mkdir ~/.npm-global
echo "export PATH=~/.npm-global/bin:$PATH" >> ~/.profile
source ~/.profile
npm config set prefix '~/.npm-global'

Installing Node.js on Windows

Standard installation

All Node.js binaries, installers, and source files can be downloaded here.

You can download just the node.exe runtime or use the Windows installer (.msi), which will also install npm, the recommended package manager for Node.js, and configure paths.

Installation by package manager

You can also install by package manager Chocolatey (Software Management Automation).

# choco install nodejs.install

More information about current version, you can find in the choco repository here.

Using Node Version Manager (nvm)

Node Version Manager, otherwise known as nvm, is a bash script that simplifies the management of multiple Node.js versions.

To install nvm, use the provided install script:

$ curl -o- | bash

For windows there is a nvm-windows package with an installer. This GithHub page has the details for installing and using the nvm-windows package.

After installing nvm, run "nvm on" from command line. This enables nvm to control the node versions.

Note: You may need to restart your terminal for it to recognize the newly installed nvm command.

Then install the latest Node version:

$ nvm install node

You can also install a specific Node version, by passing the major, minor, and/or patch versions:

$ nvm install 6
$ nvm install 4.2

To list the versions available for install:

$ nvm ls-remote

You can then switch versions by passing the version the same way you do when installing:

$ nvm use 5

You can set a specific version of Node that you installed to be the default version by entering:

$ nvm alias default 4.2

To display a list of Node versions that are installed on your machine, enter:

$ nvm ls

To use project-specific node versions, you can save the version in .nvmrc file. This way, starting to work with another project will be less error-prone after fetching it from its repository.

$ echo "4.2" > .nvmrc
$ nvm use
Found '/path/to/project/.nvmrc' with version <4.2>
Now using node v4.2 (npm v3.7.3)

When Node is installed via nvm we don't have to use sudo to install global packages since they are installed in home folder. Thus npm i -g http-server works without any permission errors.

Install Node.js From Source with APT package manager


sudo apt-get install build-essential
sudo apt-get install python

sudo apt-get install git

Get source and build

cd ~
git clone

OR For the latest LTS Node.js version 6.10.2

cd ~
tar -xzvf node-v6.10.2.tar.gz

Change to the source directory such as in cd ~/node-v6.10.2

sudo make install

Installing Node.js on Mac using package manager


You can install Node.js using the Homebrew package manager.

Start by updating brew:

brew update

You may need to change permissions or paths. It's best to run this before proceeding:

brew doctor

Next you can install Node.js by running:

brew install node

Once Node.js is installed, you can validate the version installed by running:

node -v


You can also install node.js through Macports.

First update it to make sure the lastest packages are referenced:

sudo port selfupdate

Then install nodejs and npm

sudo port install nodejs npm

You can now run node through CLI directly by invoking node. Also, you can check your current node version with

node -v

Installing using MacOS X Installer

You can find the installers on Node.js download page. Normally, Node.js recommends two versions of Node, the LTS version (long term support) and the current version (latest release). If you are new to Node, just go for the LTS and then click the Macintosh Installer button to download the package.

If you want to find other NodeJS releases, go here, choose your release then click download. From the download page, look for a file with extension .pkg.

Once you downloaded the file (with extension .pkg ofcourse), double click it to install. The installer packed with Node.js and npm, by default, the package will install both but you can customize which one to install by clicking the customize button in the Installation Type step. Other than that, just follow the installation instructions, it's pretty straightforward.

Check if Node is installed

Open terminal (if you don't know how to open your terminal, look at this wikihow). In the terminal type node --version then enter. Your terminal will look like this if Node is installed:

$ node --version

The v7.2.1 is your Node.js version, if you receive the message command not found: node instead of that, then it's mean there is a problem with your installation.

Installing Node.js on Raspberry PI

To install v6.x update the packages

curl -sL | sudo -E bash -

Using the apt package manager

sudo apt-get install -y nodejs

Installing with Node Version Manager under Fish Shell with Oh My Fish!

Node Version Manager (nvm) greatly simplifies the management of Node.js versions, their installation, and removes the need for sudo when dealing with packages (e.g. npm install ...). Fish Shell (fish) "is a smart and user-friendly command line shell for OS X, Linux, and the rest of the family" that is a popular alternative among programmers to common shells such as bash. Lastly, Oh My Fish (omf) allows for customizing and installing packages within Fish shell.

This guide assumes you are already using Fish as your shell.

Install nvm

curl -o- | bash

Install Oh My Fish

curl -L | fish

(Note: You will be prompted to restart your terminal at this point. Go ahead and do so now.)

Install plugin-nvm for Oh My Fish

We will install plugin-nvm via Oh My Fish to expose nvm capabilities within the Fish shell:

omf install nvm

Install Node.js with Node Version Manager

You are now ready to use nvm. You may install and use the version of Node.js of your liking. Some examples:

  • Install the most recent Node version: nvm install node
  • Install 6.3.1 specifically: nvm install 6.3.1
  • List installed verisons: nvm ls
  • Switch to a previously installed 4.3.1: nvm use 4.3.1

Final Notes

Remember again, that we no longer need sudo when dealing with Node.js using this method! Node versions, packages, and so on are installed in your home directory.

Install Node.js from source on Centos, RHEL and Fedora


  • git
  • clang and clang++ 3.4^ or gcc and g++ 4.8^
  • Python 2.6 or 2.7
  • GNU Make 3.81^

Get source

Node.js v6.x LTS

git clone -b v6.x

Node.js v7.x

git clone -b v7.x


cd node
make -jX
su -c make install

X - the number of processor cores, greatly speeds up the build

Cleanup [Optional]

rm -rf node

Installing Node.js with n

First, there is a really nice wrapper for setting up n on your system. Just run:

curl -L | bash

to install n. Then install binaries in a variety of ways:


n latest


n stable


n lts

Any other version

n <version>

e.g. n 4.4.7

If this version is already installed, this command will activate that version.

Switching versions

n by itself will produce a selection list of installed binaries. Use up and down to find the one you want and Enter to activate it.


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