Multi-Editing allows the user to edit text at several locations simultaneously.
Multi-Editing is disabled by default: it can be enabled (resp. disabled) in Preferences > Editing
by checking (resp. unchecking) the related checkbox.
To use Multi-Editing, the user can Ctrl Click on the different locations and start to type.
During usage of Multi-Editing, text can be paste (e.g. by using Ctrl+V).
The user can also add some incremental numbers as follows:
> Column Mode
(Alt+C)Number to insert
Column Editing enables the user to edit text on several lines as a vertical square zone.
This feature is enabled by default.
There are 3 ways to select a zone to edit:
To edit the text you can
Edit > Column Mode
For example, to add some incremental numbers
Edit > Column Mode > Number to insert
and select the parameters