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# The variable $Bit will hold either 64 or 32 depending on system architecture 
# This is used with all the ${Service::} macros
# Use this in the beginning of your code.
# This snippet should only be used once.
Var Bit
System::Call "kernel32::GetCurrentProcess()i.s"
System::Call "kernel32::IsWow64Process(is,*i.r0)"
StrCmpS $0 0 +3
StrCpy $Bit 64
Goto +2
StrCpy $Bit 32

#= Service::Create
# ${Service::Create} "NAME" "PATH" "TYPE" "START" "DEPEND" /DISABLEFSR $0 $1
#    ::Create    = Creates a service entry in the registry and Service Database
#    NAME        = The Service name
#    PATH        = BinaryPathName to the .exe file
#    TYPE        = own|share|interact|kernel|filesys|rec
#    START       = boot|system|auto|demand|disabled|delayed-auto
#    DEPEND      = Dependencies(separated by / (forward slash))
#    /DISABLEFSR = Disables redirection if x64. Use "" to skip.
#    $0          = Return after call
#    $1          =   ''    ''    ''
!define Service::Create `!insertmacro _Service::Create`
!macro _Service::Create _SVC _PATH _TYPE _START _DEPEND _FSR _ERR1 _ERR2
    StrCmpS $Bit 64 0 +7
    StrCmp "${_FSR}" /DISABLEFSR 0 +6
        StrCmp "${_DEPEND}" "" 0 +3
        ExecDos::Exec /TOSTACK /DISABLEFSR `"${SC}" create "${_SVC}" DisplayName= "${FULLNAME}" binpath= "${_PATH}" type= "${_TYPE}" start= "${_START}"`
        Goto +7
        ExecDos::Exec /TOSTACK /DISABLEFSR `"${SC}" create "${_SVC}" DisplayName= "${FULLNAME}" binpath= "${_PATH}" type= "${_TYPE}" start= "${_START}" depend= ""${_DEPEND}""`
        Goto +5
    StrCmp "${_DEPEND}" "" 0 +3
    ExecDos::Exec /TOSTACK `"${SC}" create "${_SVC}" DisplayName= "${FULLNAME}" binpath= "${_PATH}" type= "${_TYPE}" start= "${_START}"`
    Goto +2
    ExecDos::Exec /TOSTACK `"${SC}" create "${_SVC}" DisplayName= "${FULLNAME}" binpath= "${_PATH}" type= "${_TYPE}" start= "${_START}" depend= ""${_DEPEND}""`
    Pop ${_ERR1}
    Pop ${_ERR2}

The /DISABLEFSR parameter should only be used on x64 machines. However, if you mess up there's a failsafe in the macros that will dodge this bullet for you. This applies to al the service macros listed here.


#= Service::QueryConfig
# ${Service::QueryConfig} "NAME" /DISABLEFSR $0 $1
#    ::QueryConfig = The service's binary path is returned. 
#    NAME          = The Service name
#    /DISABLEFSR   = Disables redirection if x64. Use "" to skip.
#    $0            = Return after call | 1 = success
#    $1            =   ''    ''    ''  | Should be the file path
# $1 will now hold the path to it's binary executable or an error
!define Service::QueryConfig `!insertmacro _Service::QueryConfig`
!macro _Service::QueryConfig _SVC _FSR _ERR1 _ERR2
    ReadEnvStr $R0 COMSPEC
    StrCmpS $Bit 64 0 +4
    StrCmp "${_FSR}" /DISABLEFSR 0 +3
    ExecDos::Exec /TOSTACK /DISABLEFSR `"$R0" /c "${SC} qc "${_SVC}" | FIND "BINARY_PATH_NAME""`
    Goto +2
    ExecDos::Exec /TOSTACK `"$R0" /c "${SC} qc "${_SVC}" | FIND "BINARY_PATH_NAME""`
    Pop ${_ERR1}
    Pop ${_ERR2}


#= Service::State
# ${Service::State} "NAME" /DISABLEFSR $0 $1
#    ::State     = The service's status is returned. 
#    NAME        = The Service name
#    /DISABLEFSR = Disables redirection if x64. Use "" to skip.
#    $0          = Return after call | 1 = success
#    $1          =   ''    ''    ''  | 1 = running
# $1 will now hold "1" if running or "0" if not
!define Service::State `!insertmacro _Service::State`
!macro _Service::State _SVC _FSR _ERR1 _ERR2
    ReadEnvStr $R0 COMSPEC
    StrCmpS $Bit 64 0 +4
    StrCmp "${_FSR}" /DISABLEFSR 0 +3
    ExecDos::Exec /TOSTACK /DISABLEFSR `"$R0" /c "${SC} query "${_SVC}" | find /C "RUNNING""`
    Goto +2
    ExecDos::Exec /TOSTACK `"$R0" /c "${SC} query "${_SVC}" | find /C "RUNNING""`
    Pop ${_ERR1}
    Pop ${_ERR2}


#= Service::Start
# ${Service::Start} "NAME" /DISABLEFSR $0 $1
#    ::Start     = Start a service. 
#    NAME        = The Service name
#    /DISABLEFSR = Disables redirection if x64. Use "" to skip.
#    $0          = Return after call
#    $1          =   ''    ''    ''
# $1 will now hold "1" if running or "0" if not
!define Service::Start `!insertmacro _Service::Start`
!macro _Service::Start _SVC _FSR _ERR1 _ERR2
    StrCmpS $Bit 64 0 +4
    StrCmp "${_FSR}" /DISABLEFSR 0 +3
    ExecDos::Exec /TOSTACK /DISABLEFSR `"${SC}" start "${_SVC}"`
    Goto +2
    ExecDos::Exec /TOSTACK `"${SC}" start "${_SVC}"`
    Pop ${_ERR1}
    Pop ${_ERR2}


#= Service::Stop
# ${Service::Stop} "NAME" /DISABLEFSR $0 $1
#    ::Stop      = Sends a STOP control request to a service. 
#    NAME        = The Service name
#    /DISABLEFSR = Disables redirection if x64. Use "" to skip.
#    $0          = Return after call
#    $1          =   ''    ''    ''
!define Service::Stop `!insertmacro _Service::Stop`
!macro _Service::Stop _SVC _FSR _ERR1 _ERR2
    StrCmpS $Bit 64 0 +4
    StrCmp "${_FSR}" /DISABLEFSR 0 +3
    ExecDos::Exec /TOSTACK /DISABLEFSR `"${SC}" stop "${_SVC}"`
    Goto +2
    ExecDos::Exec /TOSTACK `"${SC}" stop "${_SVC}"`
    Pop ${_ERR1}
    Pop ${_ERR2}


#= Service::Remove
# ${Service::Remove} "NAME" /DISABLEFSR $0 $1
#    ::Remove    = Deletes a service entry from the registry. 
#    NAME        = The Service name
#    /DISABLEFSR = Disables redirection if x64. Use "" to skip.
#    $0          = Return after call
#    $1          =   ''    ''    ''
# Be sure to stop a service first if it's running.
!define Service::Remove `!insertmacro _Service::Remove`
!macro _Service::Remove _SVC _FSR _ERR1 _ERR2
    StrCmpS $Bit 64 0 +4
    StrCmp "${_FSR}" /DISABLEFSR 0 +3
    ExecDos::Exec /TOSTACK /DISABLEFSR `"${SC}" delete "${_SVC}"`
    Goto +2
    ExecDos::Exec /TOSTACK `"${SC}" delete "${_SVC}"`
    Pop ${_ERR1}
    Pop ${_ERR2}


  • ${Service::Create} "NAME" "PATH" "TYPE" "START" "DEPEND" /DISABLEFSR $0 $1
  • ${Service::Remove} "NAME" "" $0 $1
  • ${Service::QueryConfig} "NAME" /DISABLEFSR $0 $1


NAMEThe service name
PATHBinaryPathName to the .exe file
TYPEown, share, interact, kernel, filesys, rec
STARTboot, system, auto, demand, disabled, delayed-auto
DEPENDDependencies(separated by / (forward slash))
/DISABLEFSRDisables redirection if x64. Use "" to skip.
$0Return after call
$1Return after call


Topic Id: 10184

Example Ids: 31228,31229,31230,31231,31232,31233

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