Higher-order functions can be used to implement generic algorithms, giving up the responsibility of providing final details to the user. For instance List.sort
expects a comparison function, which allows to implement various ways of sorting. Here we implement case-insensitive sorting of strings:
let string_case_insensitive_sort lst =
let case_insensitive_compare a b =
String.compare (String.lowercase a) (String.lowercase b)
List.sort case_insensitive_compare lst
There is a rich list of higher-order functions in the standard library, especially in the List module, see List.fold_left
and List.sort
for instance. More advanced examples can be found in third-party libraries. A good example is the simulated annealing implemented in ocaml-gsl. Simulated annealing is a generic optimisation procedure which is parametrised by a function used to explore the set of states of the problem and an error function (called here energy function).
Users familiar with C++ can compare this to the Strategy pattern.
Higher-order functions can be used to ensure that system resources are disposed, even when a treatment raises an exception. The pattern used by with_output_file
allows a clean separation of concerns: the higher-order with_output_file
functions takes care of managing the system resources bound to file manipulation while the treatment f
only consumes the output channel.
let with_output_file path f =
let c = open_out path in
let answer = f c in
(close_out c; answer)
with exn -> (close_out c; raise exn)
Let us use this higher-order function to implement a function writing a string to a file:
let save_string path s =
(with_output_file path) (fun c -> output_string c s)
Using more advanced functions than fun c -> output_string c s
it is possible to save more complex values. See for instance the Marshal module in the standard library or the Yojson library by Martin Jambon.
Two useful higher-order functions are the binary application (@@
) and reverse-application or "pipe" (|>
) operators. Although since 4.01 they're available as primitives, it might still be instructive to define them here:
let (|>) x f = f x
let (@@) f x = f x
Consider the problem of incrementing the square of 3. One way of expressing that computation is this:
(* 1 -- Using parentheses *)
succ (square 3)
(* - : int = 10 *)
(* where `square` is defined as: *)
let square x = x * x
Note that we couldn't simply do succ square 3
because (due to left-associativity) that would reduce to the meaningless (succ square) 3
. Using application (@@
) we can express that without the parentheses:
(* 2 -- Using the application operator *)
succ @@ square 3
(* - : int = 10 *)
Notice how the last operation to be performed (namely succ
) occurs first in the expression? The reverse-application operator (|>
) allows us to, well, reverse this:
(* 3 -- Using the reverse-application operator *)
3 |> square |> succ
(* - : int = 10 *)
The number 3 is now "piped" through square
and then succ
, as opposed to being applied to square
to yield a result that succ
is applied to.
val (|>) : 'a -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'b
val (@@) : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b