If you are considering to add new methods in Python to use them in RPC from JavaScript, then consider the following options of method decorators: if you've to deal with ids/recordsets then for python method definition choose decorator:
Or if it's simple function that does not have to deal with records/ids then for python method choose decorator:
[ ]
(empty array) as first argument in javascript...
References: Odoo RPC documentation, Odoo 8 API method decorators
class my_model(models.Model):
_name = "my.model"
name = fields.Char('Name')
def foo_manipulate_records_1(self):
""" function returns list of tuples (id,name) """
return [(i.id,i.name) for i in self]
def foo_manipulate_records_2(self, arg1, arg2)
#here you can take advantage of "self" recordset and same time use aditional arguments "arg1", "arg2"
def bar_no_deal_with_ids(self, arg1, arg2):
""" concatenate arg1 and arg2 """
return unicode(arg1) + unicode(arg2)
Examples below demonstrate how to call Python function from JavaScript in Odoo 8. In the examples we call methods of my_model described early on this page.
We assume that in the following examples "list_of_ids" variable contains list(array) of ids of existing records of "my.model" model.
new instance.web.Model("my.model") .call( "foo_manipulate_records_1", [list_of_ids]) .then(function (result) { // do something with result });
new instance.web.Model("my.model") .call( "foo_manipulate_records_2", [list_of_ids, arg1, arg2]) .then(function (result) { // do something with result });
new instance.web.Model("my.model") .call( "bar_no_deal_with_ids", [arg1, arg2]) .then(function (result) { // do something with result });
Also if it has some sense depending on implementation, then you can call function decorated with @api.multi even if you have not to deal with ids (just pass empty array in place of ids, as first element of argument list):
new instance.web.Model("my.model") .call( "foo_manipulate_records_2", [[], arg1, arg2]) .then(function (result) { // do something with result });
this way may be useful in some cases, as undecorated function in v8.0 api is considered as @api.multi (as @api.multi is a default decorator)
Cxcept of two parameters to RPC call that are used in the above examples (the function name and argument list), you can use third parameter - a dictionary of keyword arguments. It's highly recommended to turn around a context (in some cases it might be even necessary), as it may change behavior of remote procedure (localization, etc.). See below the example with context argument in RPC call (same may be applied to all examples above)
var self = this;
new instance.web.Model("my.model")
.call("foo_manipulate_records_2", [[], arg1, arg2], {'context':self.session.user_context})
.then(function (result) {
// do something with result
Of course you can use custom context as well, if necessary, instead of turning around the existing one as in this example.