A common pitfall is to believe that all threads of a parallel region should instantiate (create) tasks but this is not typically the case unless you want to create as many tasks as the number of threads times the number of elements to process. Therefore, in OpenMP task codes you'll find something similar to
#pragma omp parallel
#pragma omp single
#pragma omp task
{ code for a given task; }
#include <omp.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <list>
static void processElement (unsigned n)
// Tell who am I. The #pragma omp critical ensures that
// only one thread sends data to std::cout
#pragma omp critical
std::cout <<
"Thread " << omp_get_thread_num() << " processing element " << n
<< std::endl;
// Simulate some work
usleep (n*1000);
int main (void)
std::list<unsigned> lst;
// Fill the list
for (unsigned u = 0; u < 16; ++u)
lst.push_back (1+u);
// Now process each element of the list in parallel
#pragma omp parallel // Create a parallel region
#pragma omp single // Only one thread will instantiate tasks
for (auto element : lst)
#pragma omp task firstprivate (element)
processElement (element);
// Wait for all tasks to be finished
#pragma omp taskwait
return 0;
This example simulates the processing of a STL list (named lst
in the code) in parallel through the OpenMP task constructs (using the #pragma omp task
directive). The example creates/instantiates one OpenMP task for each element in lst
and the OpenMP threads execute the tasks as soon as they're ready to run.
$ OMP_NUM_THREADS=4 ./a.out
Thread 0 processing element 16
Thread 3 processing element 3
Thread 2 processing element 1
Thread 1 processing element 2
Thread 2 processing element 4
Thread 1 processing element 5
Thread 3 processing element 6
Thread 2 processing element 7
Thread 1 processing element 8
Thread 3 processing element 9
Thread 2 processing element 10
Thread 1 processing element 11
Thread 0 processing element 15
Thread 3 processing element 12
Thread 2 processing element 13
Thread 1 processing element 14
The code below calculates the value of PI using a recursive approach. Modify the MAX_PARALLEL_RECURSIVE_LEVEL
value to determine at which recursion depth stop creating tasks. With this approach to create parallelism out of recursive applications: the more tasks you create, the more parallel tasks created but also the lesser work per task. So it is convenient to experiment with the application to understand at which level it creating further tasks do not benefit in terms of performance.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <omp.h>
double pi_r (double h, unsigned depth, unsigned maxdepth, unsigned long long begin, unsigned long long niters)
if (depth < maxdepth)
double area1, area2;
// Process first half
#pragma omp task shared(area1)
area1 = pi_r (h, depth+1, maxdepth, begin, niters/2-1);
// Process second half
#pragma omp task shared(area2)
area2 = pi_r (h, depth+1, maxdepth, begin+niters/2, niters/2);
#pragma omp taskwait
return area1+area2;
unsigned long long i;
double area = 0.0;
for (i = begin; i <= begin+niters; i++)
double x = h * (i - 0.5);
area += (4.0 / (1.0 + x*x));
return area;
double pi (unsigned long long niters)
double res;
double h = 1.0 / (double) niters;
#pragma omp parallel shared(res)
#pragma omp single
res = pi_r (h, 0, MAX_PARALLEL_RECURSIVE_LEVEL, 1, niters);
return res * h;
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
#define NITERS (100*1000*1000ULL)
printf ("PI (w/%d iters) is %lf\n", NITERS, pi(NITERS));
return 0;