Getting started with openshift

Other topics


This section provides an overview of what openshift is, and why a developer might want to use it.

It should also mention any large subjects within openshift, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for openshift is new, you may need to create initial versions of those related topics.

Getting started with an all-in-one container

To install openshift follow installation steps on

Getting started with Minishift

This is similar to Docker-machine or minikube which are used to learn Docker and Kubernetes. It will run a virtual machine containing everything you need to test openshift-origin.

Here is the documentation from openshift-origin and how to install it on any OS here

I'll write doc for Debian-like OS with virtualbox driver since I did it on my laptop but it's kind of a copy/paste from openshift website

Install Virtualbox

# apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r|sed 's,[^-]*-[^-]*-,,') virtualbox

Enable and start virtualbox

# systemctl enable virtualbox && \
  systemctl start virtualbox

Running systemctl status virtualbox should show you an enabled & active service.

Download minishift & install binary

You can find all minishift releases here in case this one doesn't exist anymore when you try the wget

# mkdir $HOME/minishift && \
  wget -O $HOME/minishift/minishift.tar.gz && \ 
  tar -xf $HOME/minishift/minishift.tar.gz -C $HOME/minishift

Add minishift command to $PATH

# echo "export PATH=\$PATH:$HOME/minishift" >> $HOME/.bashrc && \
  source $HOME/.bashrc

Run minishift

minishift --help show all available options

# minishift start --vm-driver=virtualbox

Now you should have an openshift up and running

Export openshift client command to $PATH

This command should be installed when you run minishift start if it is not present on the system. Add it to $PATH for more comfort:

# echo "export PATH=\$PATH:$(find $HOME/.minishift -name oc -type f)" >> $HOME/.bashrc && \
  source $HOME/.bashrc

Login to minishift

Note: You'll have to accept unsecured ssl certificates

To connect with bash client :

# oc login -u system:admin https://$(minishift ip):8443

To connect with your default browser (login with developer:developer):

# minishift console

Finally your Openshift-origin-standalone for test/dev purposes is ready and accessible.

Some more things you maybe need to know

  • When you are done and want to recover some RAM run minishift stop

  • If you want to destroy the all VM containing openshift, run minishift delete

  • To see your Openshift master logs, run minishift logs

  • To run a shell into the VM containing Openshift, run minishift ssh

  • If you are new to openshift and want to try a deployment, check the following doc


Topic Id: 4895

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