Dependency Injection - Scala

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Basic usage

A typical singleton class :

import javax.inject._
class BurgersRepository {
    // implementation goes here

Another class, requiring access to the first one.

import javax.inject._
class FastFoodService @Inject() (burgersRepository: BurgersRepository){
    // implementation goes here
    // burgersRepository can be used

Finally a controller using the last one. Note since we didn't mark the FastFoodService as a singleton, a new instance of it is created each time it is injected.

import javax.inject._
import play.api.mvc._
class EatingController @Inject() (fastFoodService: FastFoodService) extends Controller {
    // implementation goes here
    // fastFoodService can be used

Injecting Play classes

You will often need to access instances of classes from the framework itself (like the WSClient, or the Configuration). You can inject them in your own classes :

class ComplexService @Inject()(
  configuration: Configuration,
  wsClient: WSClient,
  applicationLifecycle: ApplicationLifecycle,
  cacheApi: CacheApi,
  actorSystem: ActorSystem,
  executionContext: ExecutionContext
  ) {
  // Implementation goes here
  // you can use all the injected classes :
  // configuration to read your .conf files
  // wsClient to make HTTP requests
  // applicationLifecycle to register stuff to do when the app shutdowns
  // cacheApi to use a cache system
  // actorSystem to use AKKA
  // executionContext to work with Futures

Some, like the ExecutionContext, will likely more easy to use if they're imported as implicit. Just add them in a second parameter list in the constructor :

class ComplexService @Inject()(
  configuration: Configuration,
  wsClient: WSClient
  )(implicit executionContext: ExecutionContext) {
  // Implementation goes here
  // you can still use the injected classes
  // and executionContext is imported as an implicit argument for the whole class

Defining custom bindings in a Module

Basic usage of dependency injection is done by the annotations. When you need to tweak things a little bit, you need custom code to further specify how you want some classes to be instantiated and injected. This code goes in what is called a Module.

// Play will automatically use any class called `Module` that is in the root package
class Module extends AbstractModule {

  override def configure() = {
    // Here you can put your customisation code.
    // The annotations are still used, but you can override or complete them.
    // Bind a class to a manual instantiation of it
    // i.e. the FunkService needs not to have any annotation, but can still
    // be injected in other classes
    bind(classOf[FunkService]).toInstance(new FunkService)

    // Bind an interface to a class implementing it
    // i.e. the DiscoService interface can be injected into another class
    // the DiscoServiceImplementation is the concrete class that will
    // be actually injected.

    // Bind a class to itself, but instantiates it when the application starts
    // Useful to executes code on startup



  • class MyClassUsingAnother @Inject() (myOtherClassInjected: MyOtherClass) { (...) }
  • @Singleton class MyClassThatShouldBeASingleton (...)


Topic Id: 3020

Example Ids: 10255,10256,10257

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