Getting started with polymer-1.0

Other topics


  • The example above shows bare minimum structure of a custom(Polymer) element using local dom.
  • A Polymer element can also be created entirely using script tag, but that is not part of this topic.
  • Even though style tag is not a part of bare minimum structure it has been kept there just for understanding purpose.
  • Also, script tag can be used in both imperative and declarative fashion i.e user can have a separate js file with atleast above written code and then refer it in element.
  • Please note that id of dom-module and is property of Polymer constructor should always be same.

Additional Info:

VersionRelease Date

Element structure

Defining an element with no content.

<dom-module id="empty-element">

      is: 'empty-element',

And then you can use the new element in any other pages.

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <!-- Using lite version as Polymer does not require Polyfill for Shadow Dom -->
        <script src="path/to/bower_components/webcomponentsjs/webcomponents-lite.min.js"></script>
        <!-- Importing the element assuming file name is also empty-element.html -->
        <link rel="import" href="empty-element.html">



Topic Id: 4759

Example Ids: 22648

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