arguments are:flag | description |
pygame.FULLSCREEN | window is fullscreen |
pygame.RESIZABLE | window is resizeable |
pygame.NOFRAME | window has no border or controls |
pygame.DOUBLEBUF | use double buffer - recommended for HWSURFACE or OPENGL |
pygame.HWSURFACE | window is hardware accelerated, only possible in combination with FULLSCREEN |
pygame.OPENGL | window is renderable by OpenGL |
Other remarks:
Pygame can currently only handle one single window at a time. Creating a second window by calling pygame.display.set_mode((x,y))
a second time will close the first window.
Changing the depths
argument is almost never required - pygame will select the best one by itself. In case a depth that is not supported by the system is set, pygame will emulate this depth, which can be very slow.
Things that are drawn onto the surface returned by pygame.display.set_mode()
are not immediately visible on screen - the display first has to be flipped using pygame.display.update()
or pygame.display.flip()
This creates a window in fullscreen with size 500x500 pixels:
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((500, 500), pygame.FULLSCREEN)
represents from now on the window on screen; it is a pygame.Surface object. Anything that should be come visible to the user has to be drawn onto it using screen.blit
parameter | explaination |
resolution | a pair of numbers representing the width and height of the window |
flags | additional options that change the type of window - see "Remarks" for avaliable flags |
depth | amount of bits used for color |