Using ReactJS with jQuery

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ReactJS with jQuery

Firstly, you have to import jquery library . We also need to import findDOmNode as we’re going to manipulate the dom. And obviously we are importing React as well.

import React from 'react';
import { findDOMNode } from ‘react-dom’;
import $ from ‘jquery’;

We are setting an arrow function ‘handleToggle’ that will fire when an icon will be clicked. We’re just showing and hiding a div with a reference naming ‘toggle’ onClick over an icon.

handleToggle = () => {
    const el = findDOMNode(this.refs.toggle);

Let’s now set the reference naming ‘toggle’

<ul className=”profile-info additional-profile-info-list” ref=”toggle”>
    <span className=”info-email”>Office Email</span>   [email protected]

The div element where we will fire the ‘handleToggle’ on onClick.

 <div className=”ellipsis-click” onClick={this.handleToggle}>
   <i className=”fa-ellipsis-h”/>

Let review the full code below, how it looks like .

import React from ‘react’;
import { findDOMNode } from ‘react-dom’;
import $ from ‘jquery’;

export default class FullDesc extends React.Component {
    constructor() {

    handleToggle = () => {
        const el = findDOMNode(this.refs.toggle);

    render() {
        return (
            <div className=”long-desc”>
                <ul className=”profile-info”>
                        <span className=”info-title”>User Name : </span> Shuvo Habib

                <ul className=”profile-info additional-profile-info-list” ref=”toggle”>
                        <span className=”info-email”>Office Email</span> [email protected]
                <div className=”ellipsis-click” onClick={this.handleToggle}>
                    <i className=”fa-ellipsis-h”/>

We are done! This is the way, how we can use jQuery in React component.


Topic Id: 6009

Example Ids: 21020

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