Partials and Import

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Using @import allows you to split up your files into multiple smaller files. This makes sense, as you are able to keep better structure for your stylesheets and avoid very large files.


Let's say you have a few files.

- application.scss
- header.scss
- content
  |-- article.scss
  '-- list.scss
- footer.scss

Your main stylesheet application.scss can import all files as well as define its own styles.

// application.scss
// Import files:
@import 'header.scss';
@import 'content/article.scss';
@import 'content/list.scss';
@import 'footer.scss';

// other styles in application.scss
body {
  margin: 0;

Note that you can also omit the .scss extension so you could write @import 'header'; instead of @import 'header.scss'.

This leads to application.scss having all imported .scss included in the compiled file you serve to the client (browser). In this case your compiled file would be application.css which you include in your html.

    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/application.css?v=18c9ed25ea60">

Although you are working with multiple files you only serve one file, eliminating the need for multiple requests (one for each file) and speeding up the load time for your visitors.

Main benefits

  • Better structure for development using folder and multiple files
  • Serving only one file to the client (browser)


You can create partial files that contain smaller snippets of your stylesheets. This allows you to modularize your CSS and allows for better structure of your stylesheets. A partial is a Sass file named with a leading underscore, i.e: _partial.scss. The underscore lets Sass know that the specific file is a partial and it will not be generated into a CSS file.

Sass partials are meant to be used with the @import directive. When using @import, you can omit the leading underscore.


Supposing you have a file structure with partials like this

- main.scss
- _variables.scss
- content
  |-- _buttons.scss
  '-- _otherelements.scss

You can include those partials in your main.scss file as follows (leading underscores and file extensions are omitted in this example):

// main.scss - Imports:
@import 'variables';
@import 'content/buttons';
@import 'content/otherelements';


Topic Id: 2893

Example Ids: 9803,14566

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