Dependency Injection (DI) and Inversion of Control (IoC)

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The source code for large software applications is typically organized into multiple units. The definition of a unit normally varies by the programming language used. For example, code written in a procedural programming language (like C) is organized into functions or procedures. Similarly, code in an object-oriented programming language (like Java, Scala and C#) is organized into classes, interfaces and so on. These units of code organization can be thought of as individual units making up the overall software application.

When applications have multiple units, inter-dependencies between those units crop up when one unit has to use others to complete its functionality. The dependent units can be thought of as consumers and the units on which they depend upon as providers of specific functionality.

The easiest programming approach is for the consumers to fully control the flow of a software application by deciding which providers should be instantiated, used and destroyed at what points in the overall execution of the application. The consumers are said to have full control over the providers during the execution flow, which are dependencies for the consumers. In case the providers have their own dependencies, the consumers may have to worry about how the providers should be initialized (and released), making the control flow more and more complicated as the number of units in the software goes up. This approach also increases the coupling between units, making it increasingly difficult to change units individually without worrying about breaking others parts of the software.

Inversion of Control (IoC) is a design-principle that advocates outsourcing control flow activities like unit discovery, instantiation and destruction to a framework independent of the consumers and providers. The underlying principle behind IoC is to decouple consumers and providers, freeing software units from having to worry about discovering, instantiating and cleaning up their dependencies and allowing units to focus on their own functionality. This decoupling helps keep the software extensible and maintainable.

Dependency injection is one of the techniques for implementing the inversion of control principle whereby instances of dependencies (providers) are injected into a software unit (the consumer) instead of the consumer having to find and instantiate them.

The Spring framework contains a dependency injection module at its core which allows Spring-managed beans to be injected into other Spring-managed beans as dependencies.

Injecting a dependency manually through XML configuration

Consider the following Java classes:

class Foo {
  private Bar bar;

  public void foo() {

As can be seen, the class Foo needs to call the method baz on an instance of another class Bar for its method foo to work successfully. Bar is said to be a dependency for Foo since Foo cannot work correctly without a Bar instance.

Constructor injection

When using XML configuration for Spring framework to define Spring-managed beans, a bean of type Foo can be configured as follows:

<bean class="Foo">
    <bean class="Bar" />

or, alternatively (more verbose):

<bean id="bar" class="bar" />

<bean class="Foo">
  <constructor-arg ref="bar" />

In both cases, Spring framework first creates an instance of Bar and injects it into an instance of Foo. This example assumes that the class Foo has a constructor that can take a Bar instance as a parameter, that is:

class Foo {
  private Bar bar;

  public Foo(Bar bar) { = bar; }

This style is known as constructor injection because the dependency (Bar instance) is being injected into through the class constructor.

Property injection

Another option to inject the Bar dependency into Foo is:

<bean class="Foo">
  <property name="bar">
    <bean class="Bar" />

or, alternatively (more verbose):

<bean id="bar" class="bar" />

<bean class="Foo">
  <property name="bar" ref="bar" />

This requires the Foo class to have a setter method that accepts a Bar instance, such as:

class Foo {
  private Bar bar;

  public void setBar(Bar bar) { = bar; }

Injecting a dependency manually through Java configuration

The same examples as shown above with XML configuration can be re-written with Java configuration as follows.

Constructor injection

class AppConfig {
  public Bar bar() { return new Bar(); }

  public Foo foo() { return new Foo(bar()); }

Property injection

class AppConfig {
  public Bar bar() { return new Bar(); }

  public Foo foo() {
    Foo foo = new Foo();

    return foo;

Autowiring a dependency through XML configuration

Dependencies can be autowired when using the component scan feature of the Spring framework. For autowiring to work, the following XML configuration must be made:

<context:component-scan base-package="[base package]"/>

where, base-package is the fully-qualified Java package within which Spring should perform component scan.

Constructor injection

Dependencies can be injected through the class constructor as follows:

class Bar { ... }

class Foo {
  private Bar bar;

  public Foo(Bar bar) { = bar; }

Here, @Autowired is a Spring-specific annotation. Spring also supports JSR-299 to enable application portability to other Java-based dependency injection frameworks. This allows @Autowired to be replaced with @Inject as:

class Foo {
  private Bar bar;

  public Foo(Bar bar) { = bar; }

Property injection

Dependencies can also be injected using setter methods as follows:

class Foo {
  private Bar bar;

  public void setBar(Bar bar) { = bar; }

Field injection

Autowiring also allows initializing fields within class instances directly, as follows:

class Foo {
  private Bar bar;

For Spring versions 4.1+ you can use Optional for optional dependencies.

class Foo {

    private Optional<Bar> bar;

The same approach can be used for constructor DI.

class Foo {
    private Optional<Bar> bar;

    Foo(Optional<Bar> bar) { = bar;

Autowiring a dependency through Java configuration

Constructor injection through Java configuration can also utilize autowiring, such as:

class AppConfig {
  public Bar bar() { return new Bar(); }

  public Foo foo(Bar bar) { return new Foo(bar); }


Topic Id: 7295

Example Ids: 24265,24266,24267,24268

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