We have a sample Spring boot application which stores user data in MongoDB and we are using Rest services to retrieve data
First there is a domain class i.e. POJO
public class User{
private String id;
private String name;
A corresponding repository based on Spring Data MongoDB
public interface UserRepository extends MongoRepository<User, String> {
Then Our User Controller
class UserController {
private UserRepository repository;
List<User> users() {
return repository.findAll();
@RequestMapping(value = "/Users/{id}", method = RequestMethod.DELETE)
void delete(@PathVariable("id") String id) {
// more controller methods
And finally our Spring Boot Application
public class Application {
public static void main(String args[]){
SpringApplication.run(Application.class, args);
If, let’s say that John Cena, The Rock and TripleHHH were the only three users in the database, a request to /users would give the following response:
$ curl localhost:8080/users
[{"name":"John Cena","id":"1"},{"name":"The Rock","id":"2"},{"name":"TripleHHH","id":"3"}]
Now to test the code we will verify that the application work
@RunWith(SpringJUnit4ClassRunner.class) // 1
@SpringApplicationConfiguration(classes = Application.class) // 2
@WebAppConfiguration // 3
@IntegrationTest("server.port:0") // 4
public class UserControllerTest {
@Autowired // 5
UserRepository repository;
User cena;
User rock;
User tripleHHH;
@Value("${local.server.port}") // 6
int port;
public void setUp() {
// 7
cena = new User("John Cena");
rock = new User("The Rock");
tripleHHH = new User("TripleHH");
// 8
repository.save(Arrays.asList(cena, rock, tripleHHH));
// 9
RestAssured.port = port;
// 10
public void testFetchCena() {
String cenaId = cena.getId();
get("/Users/{id}", cenaId).
body("name", Matchers.is("John Cena")).
body("id", Matchers.is(cenaId));
public void testFetchAll() {
body("name", Matchers.hasItems("John Cena", "The Rock", "TripleHHH"));
public void testDeletetripleHHH() {
String tripleHHHId = tripleHHH.getId();
.delete("/Users/{id}", tripleHHHId).
so that an application context is created.@SpringApplicationConfiguration
annotation is similar to the @ContextConfiguration
annotation in that it is used to specify which application context(s) that should be used in the test. Additionally, it will trigger logic for reading Spring Boot specific configurations, properties, and so on.@WebAppConfiguration
must be present in order to tell Spring that a WebApplicationContext
should be loaded for the test. It also provides an attribute for specifying the path to the root of the web application.@IntegrationTest
is used to tell Spring Boot that the embedded web server should be started. By providing colon- or equals-separated name-value pair(s), any environment variable can be overridden. In this example, the "server.port:0"
will override the server’s default port setting. Normally, the server would start using the specified port number, but the value 0 has a special meaning. When specified as 0, it tells Spring Boot to scan the ports on the host environment and start the server on a random, available port. That is useful if we have different services occupying different ports on the development machines and the build server that could potentially collide with the application port, in which case the application will not start. Secondly, if we create multiple integration tests with different application contexts, they may also collide if the tests are running concurrently.@Value("${local.server.port}”)
will be resolved to the actual port number that is used.When we use @SpringApplicationConfiguration
it will use configuration from application.yml
[properties] which in certain situation is not appropriate. So to override the properties we can use @TestPropertySource
properties = {
public class ApplicationTest{
// ...
We can use properties attribute of @TestPropertySource
to override the specific properties we want. In above example we are overriding property spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto
to create-drop
. And liquibase.enabled
to false
If you want to totally load different yml file for test you can use locations attribute on @TestPropertySource
public class ApplicationTest{
// ...
Option 1:
You can also load different yml file my placing a yml file on test > resource
Option 2:
Using @ActiveProfiles
@SpringApplicationConfiguration(classes = Application.class)
public class MyIntTest{
You can see we are using @ActiveProfiles
annotation and we are passing the somename as the value.
Create a file called application-somename.yml
and and the test will load this file.