List of Shortcuts for Sublime Text 3

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Windows Shortcuts

CTRL + `Show Hide Console
CTRL + K or CTRL + BShow/Hide Sidebar
CTRL + SHIFT + PCommand Pallette
CTRL + SPACESelect 'autocomplete' suggestion
CTRL + YRedo last keyboard shortcut
Selecting TextShortcut Action
CTRL + DSelects a word/ used for 'select next iteration'
CTRL + UDeselect next iteration
CTRL + LSelects a line
CTRL + SHIFT + JIndent Content
CTRL + ALT + UPColumn select upwards
CTRL + ALT + DOWNColumn select downwards
Windows ControlWindows Control
SHIFT + F11Distraction-free mode
CTRL + NNew Tab
CTRL +SHIFT + NNew Window
CTRL + WClose Tab
ALT + (tab no)Switch Tab
CTRL + PGUPGo to Previous Tab
CTRL + PGDOWNGo to Next Tab
CTRL + (pane no)Switch to Pane Number
CTRL + SHIFT + (pane no)Move tab to pane Number
Find & ReplaceDescription
CTRL + FFind
F3Find Next
SHIFT + F3Find Previous
CTRL + HReplace
CTRL + SHIFT + FFind in Files
CTRL + K Or CTRL + UConvert To Uppercase
CTRL + K Or CTRL + LConvert To Lowercase
CTRL + PLUS(+)Increase font size
CTRL + MINUS(-)Decrease font size
CTRL + F2Create a new Bookmark
F2Go to next bookmark
SHIFT + F2Go to Previous Bookmark
CTRL + SHIFT + F2Clear all bookmarks


Topic Id: 9717

Example Ids: 29965

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