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Logging in

You can use this example as a call from code, or through a REST client such as Postman:

POST https://YOURSITE.com/rest/v10/oauth2/token

"client_secret": "",

To elaborate on the above details, they stand for:

"grant_type":"password" - This is the method of logging in. In this case, we're using a username/password combination, so we put through "password"

"client_id":"sugar" - This indicates that we are authenticating ourselves through the standard "sugar" client of name/password. Other clients such as "support_portal". This also can reference a custom OAuth key within the application.

"client_secret": "" - This is blank as we're using the client id of "sugar", but if you're using a custom client, this is the secret associated with the client.

"username":"your_username" - Your user name

"password":"your_P@$sw0rd" - Your password

"platform":"api" - The typical platforms used within sugar are "base", "mobile", and "portal". For security reasons, if the same user logs into the same platform simultaneously, it will log the user out of the previous session. I've used "api", but this could be "myawesomesugarintegration" if you wanted.

Upon a successful request, the server returns an object including an "access_token", i.e:


For each subsequent request to the API, you must include this token to authenticate yourself.

That can be achieved by adding the header "OAuth-Token" with the access_token value to any further requests.

Basic CRUD operations

First, ensure you log in, and add the access_token to your request header.

In this example, we're going to do some basic operations to access records. These use the Accounts module as an example, but other standard and custom modules (i.e. Leads, Contacts, Opportunities) behave in the same way.


To create an Account, we need to make a post request to the Accounts endpoint, with the details we want to add. Upon success, this returns an object containing the new record's ID, and the current data.

POST https://YOURSITE.com/rest/v10/Accounts
"name":"My New Account"


First, we'll retrieve the record we just created, for me the Id was "9174c58c-409c-11e7-bfdf-00163ef1f82f" so to retrieve all information for the record, we do the following:

GET https://YOURSITE.com/rest/v10/Accounts/9174c58c-409c-11e7-bfdf-00163ef1f82f

That sure is a large object! What about just seeing the name, and the date I just created it?

GET https://YOURSITE.com/rest/v10/Accounts/9174c58c-409c-11e7-bfdf-00163ef1f82f?fields=name,date_entered

Much better. But what if I have thousands of Accounts in the system already, and haven't managed to remember the GUID for it?

GET https://YOURSITE.com/rest/v10/Accounts?fields=name,date_entered&filter[0][name]=My New Account


So what if I decided I wanted to change something on the app? What about changing the name, and adding a description?

PUT https://YOURSITE.com/rest/v10/Accounts/9174c58c-409c-11e7-bfdf-00163ef1f82f
    "name":"My Updated Account",
    "description":"Updated via REST API"


Okay, that's all fine, but let's clear this up before putting real data in:

DELETE https://YOURSITE.com/rest/v10/Accounts/9174c58c-409c-11e7-bfdf-00163ef1f82f

Creating custom Endpoints

One of the features in SugarCRM 7.x is being able to easily add and extend custom endpoints to accomplish what you require.

In this example, we'll create a couple of custom endpoints to return some data about the request.

This custom file is being placed in custom/clients/base/api/DescriptionAPI.php.


if(!defined('sugarEntry') || !sugarEntry) die('Not A Valid Entry Point');

//You need to inherit the SugarApi Class to
class DescriptionApi extends SugarApi
    public function registerApiRest()
        return array(

            //Define a key for the array
            'DescribeRequest' => array(

                //Array of the acceptable kinds of requests for this method
                'reqType' => array('GET','POST','PUT','DELETE'),

                //If true, anyone can access. If false, only authenticated users.
                'noLoginRequired' => true,

                //Here is the path to access the endpoint, in this case: Describe/Request
                'path' => array('Describe', 'Request'),

                //Specify an empty string for the path variables
                'pathVars' => array('', ''),

                //method to call
                'method' => 'DescribeMyRequest',

                //A small description, displayed in rest/v10/help page
                'shortHelp' => 'Describes your Request Method',

                //Further help, displayed when drilling down into the help page
                'longHelp' => 'custom/clients/base/api/help/DescribeRequestHelp.html',
            //Here's another entry with some more in depth information
            'DescribeIncludingArgs' => array(
                'reqType' => array('GET','POST','PUT','DELETE'),
                'noLoginRequired' => true,

                //This time, we'll include a third element with a ?
                //So now the path is Describe/Request/{dataFromURL}
                'path' => array('Describe', 'Request', '?'),

                //Here, we specify the key for accessing that data within the function
                'pathVars' => array('', '','dataFromURL'),
                'method' => 'DescribeMyRequestIncludingArguments',
                'shortHelp' => 'Describes the request you sent, including method, URL parameters, and request body',
                'longHelp' => 'custom/clients/base/api/help/DescribeIncludingArgsHelp.html',


     * Your custom logic goes in here.
    public function DescribeMyRequest($api, $args)
        //Find out the request method sent
        $requestType = $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'];

        return "You sent a $requestType request.";

     * Here is the second function
    public function DescribeMyRequestIncludingArguments($api, $args)
        //Find out the request method sent
        $requestType = $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'];

        //Get the data included in the URL parameter
        $data = $args['dataFromURL'];

        //Read from the request body
        $body = file_get_contents('php://input');

        return "You sent a $requestType request including the header argument: `$data` and the body: `$body`";


After adding this file, you'll need to perform a Repair and Rebuild in order for Sugar to register your endpoint correctly.

After, if you navigate to rest/v10/Describe/Request in your browser, you should see:

"You sent a GET request."

Now, if you use a REST client to send a POST request, with some data, for example: POST rest/v10/Describe/Request/Stuff with the body {"key":"value"} you should receive:

"You sent a POST request including the header argument: Stuff and the body: {\"key\":\"value\"}"


Topic Id: 10043

Example Ids: 30820,30832,31000

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