Detailed information on the SVG path
element can be found in the W3C Recommendation for SVG.
Attributes / parameters | Description |
d | Defines a sequence of drawing commands that create the shape. e.g. d="M 50,60 L50,60". Uppercase drawing commands designate absolute coordinates. Lowercase drawing commands designate relative coordinates. |
(...) | Drawing Commands |
m/M | Move current drawing position to XY d="M XY" |
l/L | Draw a line to X,Y d="L XY" |
v/V | Draw a vertical line to Y d="V Y" |
h/H | Draw a horizontal line to X d="H X" |
a/A | Draw an arc to X,Y with an implied radius of Rx and Ry and a rotation specified by X-axis-rotation. The large arc and sweep flags select which of the 4 possible arcs that satisfy these constraints should be drawn. d="A Rx Ry X-axis-rotation(degrees) large-arc-flag (0/1) sweep-flag(0/1) X,Y". |
q/Q | Draw quadratic bezier curve to X,Y using control point X1Y1 d="X1Y1 X Y" |
t/T | Draw a shorthand quadratic bezier curve (the control point is calculated as a reflection of the control point of the previous q/Q drawing command through the current drawing position) |
c/C | Draw a cubic bezier curve to X,Y using control points X1,Y1 and X2,Y2 d="C X1Y1, X2Y2, XY" |
s/S | Draw a shorthand cubic bezier curve (first control point is calculated as a reflection of the second control point of the previous c/C drawing command through the current drawing position). |
- z/Z | Close the path by drawing a line to start of path (or pathsegment if another z has been used previously) |
(...) | (end of list) |
pathLength | (Optional) Allows the author to specify a nominal pathLength which will be used for calibration in other calculations, for example for text along a path |
Stroke Parameters | common among to all shape and drawing elements |
stroke | Color of path |
stroke-width | Width of path |