Dictionaries in Tcl are values that hold a mapping from arbitrary values to other arbitrary values. They were introduced in Tcl 8.5, though there are limited versions for (the now unsupported) Tcl 8.4. Dictionaries are syntactically the same as lists with even numbers of elements; the first pair of elements is the first key and value of the dictionary, the second pair is the second tuple.
fox "quick brown" dogs "lazy"
is a valid dictionary. The same key can be multiple times, but it is exactly as if the latter's value was in the earlier's value; these are the same dictionary:
abcd {1 2 3} defg {2 3 4} abcd {3 4 5}
abcd {3 4 5} defg {2 3 4}
Whitespace is unimportant, just as with lists.
An important concept with dictionaries is iteration order; dictionaries try to use the key insertion order as their iteration order, though when you update the value for a key that already exists, you overwrite that key's value. New keys go on the end.
References: dict
If we have this dictionary:
set alpha {alice {items {}} bob {items {}} claudia {items {}} derek {items {}}}
And want to add "fork" and "peanut" to Alice's items, this code won't work:
dict lappend alpha alice items fork peanut
dict get $alpha alice
# => items {} items fork peanut
Because it would be impossible for the command to know where the key tokens end and the values to be list-appended start, the command is limited to one key token.
The correct way to append to the inner dictionary is this:
dict with alpha alice {
lappend items fork peanut
dict get $alpha alice
# => items {fork peanut}
This works because the dict with
command lets us traverse nested dictionaries, as many levels as the number of key tokens we provide. It then creates variables with the same names as the keys on that level (only one here: items
). The variables are initialized to the value of the corresponding item in the dictionary. If we change the value, that changed value is used to update the value of the dictionary item when the script ends.
(Note that the variables continue to exist when the command has ended.)
Creating a dictionary:
set mydict [dict create a 1 b 2 c 3 d 4]
dict get $mydict b ; # returns 2
set key c
set myval [dict get $mydict $key]
puts $myval
# remove a value
dict unset mydict b
# set a new value
dict set mydict e 5
Dictionary keys can be nested.
dict set mycars mustang color green
dict set mycars mustang horsepower 500
dict set mycars prius-c color orange
dict set mycars prius-c horsepower 99
set car [dict get $mycars mustang]
# $car is: color green horsepower 500
dict for {car cardetails} $mycars {
puts $car
dict for {key value} $cardetails {
puts " $key: $value"
set alpha {a 1 b 2 c 3}
dict get $alpha b
# => 2
dict get $alpha d
# (ERROR) key "d" not known in dictionary
If dict get
is used to retrieve the value of a missing key, an error is raised. To prevent the error, use dict exists
if {[dict exists $alpha $key]} {
set result [dict get $alpha $key]
} else {
# code to deal with missing key
How to deal with a missing key of course depends on the situation: one simple way is to set the result
to a default "empty" value.
If the code never attempts to retrieve other keys that are in the dictionary, dict get
will of course not fail. But for arbitrary keys, dict get
is an operation that needs to be guarded. Preferably by testing with dict exists
, though exception catching will work too.
You can iterate over the contents of a dictionary with dict for
, which is similar to foreach
set theDict {abcd {ab cd} bcde {ef gh} cdef {ij kl}}
dict for {theKey theValue} $theDict {
puts "$theKey -> $theValue"
This produces this output:
abcd -> ab cd bcde -> ef gh cdef -> ij kl
You'd get the same output by using dict keys
to list the keys and iterating over that:
foreach theKey [dict keys $theDict] {
set theValue [dict get $theDict $theKey]
puts "$theKey -> $theValue"
But dict for
is more efficient.