Math behind 2D convolution with advanced examples in TF

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Padding and strides (the most general case)

Now we will apply a strided convolution to our previously described padded example and calculate the convolution where p = 1, s = 2

enter image description here

Previously when we used strides = 1, our slided window moved by 1 position, with strides = s it moves by s positions (you need to calculate s^2 elements less. But in our case we can take a shortcut and do not perform any computations at all. Because we already computed the values for s = 1, in our case we can just grab each second element.

So if the solution is case of s = 1 was

enter image description here

in case of s = 2 it will be:

enter image description here

Check the positions of values 14, 2, 12, 6 in the previous matrix. The only change we need to perform in our code is to change the strides from 1 to 2 for width and height dimension (2-nd, 3-rd).

res = tf.squeeze(tf.nn.conv2d(image, kernel, [1, 2, 2, 1], "SAME"))
with tf.Session() as sess:

By the way, there is nothing that stops us from using different strides for different dimensions.

No padding, strides=1

This is the most basic example, with the easiest calculations. Let's assume your input and kernel are: enter image description here

When you your kernel you will receive the following output: enter image description here, which is calculated in the following way:

  • 14 = 4 * 1 + 3 * 0 + 1 * 1 + 2 * 2 + 1 * 1 + 0 * 0 + 1 * 0 + 2 * 0 + 4 * 1
  • 6 = 3 * 1 + 1 * 0 + 0 * 1 + 1 * 2 + 0 * 1 + 1 * 0 + 2 * 0 + 4 * 0 + 1 * 1
  • 6 = 2 * 1 + 1 * 0 + 0 * 1 + 1 * 2 + 2 * 1 + 4 * 0 + 3 * 0 + 1 * 0 + 0 * 1
  • 12 = 1 * 1 + 0 * 0 + 1 * 1 + 2 * 2 + 4 * 1 + 1 * 0 + 1 * 0 + 0 * 0 + 2 * 1

TF's conv2d function calculates convolutions in batches and uses a slightly different format. For an input it is [batch, in_height, in_width, in_channels] for the kernel it is [filter_height, filter_width, in_channels, out_channels]. So we need to provide the data in the correct format:

import tensorflow as tf
k = tf.constant([
    [1, 0, 1],
    [2, 1, 0],
    [0, 0, 1]
], dtype=tf.float32, name='k')
i = tf.constant([
    [4, 3, 1, 0],
    [2, 1, 0, 1],
    [1, 2, 4, 1],
    [3, 1, 0, 2]
], dtype=tf.float32, name='i')
kernel = tf.reshape(k, [3, 3, 1, 1], name='kernel')
image  = tf.reshape(i, [1, 4, 4, 1], name='image')

Afterwards the convolution is computed with:

res = tf.squeeze(tf.nn.conv2d(image, kernel, [1, 1, 1, 1], "VALID"))
# VALID means no padding
with tf.Session() as sess:

And will be equivalent to the one we calculated by hand.

Some padding, strides=1

Padding is just a fancy name of telling: surround your input matrix with some constant. In most of the cases the constant is zero and this is why people call it zero padding. So if you want to use a padding of 1 in our original input (check the first example with padding=0, strides=1), the matrix will look like this:

enter image description here

To calculate the values of the convolution you do the same sliding. Notice that in our case many values in the middle do not need to be recalculated (they will be the same as in previous example. I also will not show all the calculations here, because the idea is straight-forward. The result is:

enter image description here


  • 5 = 0 * 1 + 0 * 0 + 0 * 1 + 0 * 2 + 4 * 1 + 3 * 0 + 0 * 0 + 0 * 1 + 1 * 1
  • ...
  • 6 = 4 * 1 + 1 * 0 + 0 * 1 + 0 * 2 + 2 * 1 + 0 * 0 + 0 * 0 + 0 * 0 + 0 * 1

TF does not support an arbitrary padding in conv2d function, so if you need some padding that is not supported, use tf.pad(). Luckily for our input the padding 'SAME' will be equal to padding = 1. So we need to change almost nothing in our previous example:

res = tf.squeeze(tf.nn.conv2d(image, kernel, [1, 1, 1, 1], "SAME"))
# 'SAME' makes sure that our output has the same size as input and 
# uses appropriate padding. In our case it is 1.
with tf.Session() as sess:

You can verify that the answer will be the same as calculated by hand.


Topic Id: 10015

Example Ids: 30756,30754,30755

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