Dictionary Objects

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Create dictionary and Add Items to dictionary

Dim oDic
Set oDic = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
oDic.Add "US", "United States of America"
oDic.Add "UK", "United Kingdom"

Check if key Exists in Dictionary

If oDic.Exists("US") Then
    msgbox "The Key US Exist. The value is " + oDic("US")
    msgbox "Key Does not exist."
End If 

Remove Item from Dictionary

If oDic.Exists("UK") Then
End If

Iterate all items in the dictionary

set oDic = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
oDic.add "USA", "United States of America"
oDic.add "UK", "United Kingdom"
oDic.add "CAN", "Canada"

For Each obj in oDic.Items
    Msgbox obj
Set oDic = Nothing


United States of America

United Kingdom


Iterate all keys in dictionary

set oDic = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
oDic.add "USA", "United States of America"
oDic.add "UK", "United Kingdom"
oDic.add "CAN", "Canada"

For Each obj in oDic.keys
    Msgbox "Key: " & obj & " Value: " & oDic(obj)
Set oDic = Nothing

Delete Key/ keys from Dictionary

set oDic = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
oDic.add "USA", "United States of America"
oDic.add "UK", "United Kingdom"
oDic.add "CAN", "Canada"

' Delete only if Key exists
If oDic.Exists("UK") Then
    oDic.Remove "UK"
End If    

' Delete all keys from Dictionary

Set oDic = Nothing


Topic Id: 8232

Example Ids: 26448,26449,26450,26476,26477,26478

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