The use of resolved types should be reserved to situations where the intention is really to model a hardware wire (or set of wires) driven by more than one hardware circuit. A typical case where it is needed is the bi-directional data bus of a memory: when the memory is written it is the writing device that drives the bus while when the memory is read it is the memory that drives the bus.
Using resolved types in other situations, while a frequently encountered practice, is a bad idea because it suppresses very useful compilation errors when unwanted multiple drive situations are accidentally created.
The ieee.numeric_std
package declares the signed
and unsigned
vector types and overloads the arithmetic operators on them. These types are frequently used when arithmetic and bit-wise operations are needed on the same data. The signed
and unsigned
types are resolved. Prior VHDL2008, using ieee.numeric_std
and its types thus implied that accidental multiple drive situations would not raise compilation errors. VHDL2008 adds new type declarations to ieee.numeric_std
: unresolved_signed
and unresolved_unsigned
(aliases u_signed
and u_unsigned
). These new types should be preferred in all cases where multiple drive situations are not desired.
The following VHDL model drives signal s
from two different processes. As the type of s
is bit
, an unresolved type, this is not allowed.
-- File md.vhd
entity md is
end entity md;
architecture arc of md is
signal s: bit;
p1: process
s <= '0';
end process p1;
p2: process
s <= '0';
end process p2;
end architecture arc;
Compiling, elaborating and trying to simulate, e.g. with GHDL, raise an error:
ghdl -a md.vhd
ghdl -e md
for signal: .md(arc).s
./md:error: several sources for unresolved signal
./md:error: error during elaboration
Note that the error is raised even if, as in our example, all drivers agree on the driving value.
A signal which type is resolved has an associated resolution function. It can be driven by more than one VHDL process. The resolution function is called to compute the resulting value whenever a driver assigns a new value.
A resolution function is a pure function that takes one parameter and returns a value of the type to resolve. The parameter is a one-dimensional, unconstrained array of elements of the type to resolve. For the type bit
, for instance, the parameter can be of type bit_vector
. During simulation the resolution function is called when needed to compute the resulting value to apply to a multiply driven signal. It is passed an array of all values driven by all sources and returns the resulting value.
The following code shows the declaration of a resolution function for type bit
that behaves like a wired and
. It also shows how to declare a resolved subtype of type bit
and how it can be used.
-- File md.vhd
entity md is
end entity md;
architecture arc of md is
function and_resolve_bit(d: bit_vector) return bit is
variable r: bit := '1';
for i in d'range loop
if d(i) = '0' then
r := '0';
end if;
end loop;
return r;
end function and_resolve_bit;
subtype res_bit is and_resolve_bit bit;
signal s: res_bit;
p1: process
s <= '0', '1' after 1 ns, '0' after 2 ns, '1' after 3 ns;
end process p1;
p2: process
s <= '0', '1' after 2 ns;
end process p2;
p3: process(s)
report bit'image(s); -- show value changes
end process p3;
end architecture arc;
Compiling, elaborating and simulating, e.g. with GHDL, does not raise an error:
ghdl -a md.vhd
ghdl -e md
md.vhd:39:5:@0ms:(report note): '0'
md.vhd:39:5:@3ns:(report note): '1'
Some very simple and low cost hardware devices, like sensors, use a one-bit communication protocol. A single bi-directional data line connects the device to a kind of micro-controller. It is frequently pulled up by a pull-up resistor. The communicating devices drive the line low for a pre-defined duration to send an information to the other. The figure below illustrates this:
This example shows how to model this using the ieee.std_logic_1164.std_logic
resolved type.
-- File md.vhd
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity one_bit_protocol is
end entity one_bit_protocol;
architecture arc of one_bit_protocol is
component uc is
data_in: in std_ulogic;
set_low: out std_ulogic
end component uc;
component sensor is
data_in: in std_ulogic;
set_low: out std_ulogic
end component sensor;
signal data: std_logic; -- The bi-directional data line
signal set_low_uc: std_ulogic;
signal set_low_sensor: std_ulogic;
-- Micro-controller
uc0: uc port map(
data_in => data,
set_low => set_low_uc
-- Sensor
sensor0: sensor port map(
data_in => data,
set_low => set_low_sensor
data <= 'H'; -- Pull-up resistor
-- Micro-controller 3-states buffer
data <= '0' when set_low_uc = '1' else 'Z';
-- Sensor 3-states buffer
data <= '0' when set_low_sensor = '1' else 'Z';
end architecture arc;