Here is a list of the default positions (for $position)
function add_the_theme_page(){
add_menu_page('Theme page title', 'Theme menu label', 'manage_options', 'theme-options', 'page_content', 'dashicons-book-alt');
add_action('admin_menu', 'add_the_theme_page');
function page_content(){
echo '<div class="wrap"><h2>Testing</h2></div>';
In the code, we created a function named add_the_theme_page
and we used add_menu_page
to add the item to the navbar. Please check the parameters part in this page to know about the arguments we passed in. Then we used add_action
to run our add_the_theme_page
function. Finally, we created the function page_content
to display contents in the page.
* Plugin Name: Custom Admin Menu
class SO_WP_Menu {
private $plugin_url;
public function __construct() {
$this->plugin_url = plugins_url( '/', __FILE__ );
add_action( 'plugins_loaded', array( $this, 'init' ) );
public function init() {
add_action( 'admin_menu', array( $this, 'add_menu' ) );
public function add_menu() {
$hook = add_menu_page(
'My Menu', // Title, html meta tag
'<span style="color:#e57300;">My Menu</span>', // Menu title, hardcoded style
'edit_pages', // capability
'dummy-page-slug', // URL
array( $this, 'content' ), // output
null, // icon, uses default
1 // position, showing on top of all others
add_action( "admin_print_scripts-$hook", array( $this, 'scripts' ) );
add_action( "admin_print_styles-$hook", array( $this, 'styles' ) );
public function content() {
<div id="icon-post" class="icon32"></div>
<h2>Dummy Page</h2>
<p> Lorem ipsum</p>
# Printing directly, could be wp_enqueue_script
public function scripts() {
?><script>alert('My page');</script><?php
# Enqueing from a CSS file on plugin directory
public function styles() {
wp_enqueue_style( 'my-menu', $this->plugin_url . 'my-menu.css' );
new SO_WP_Menu();
What's important to note in this example is that, when using add_menu_page()
, it returns a hook that can be used to target our exact page and load Styles and Scripts there.
A common mistake is to enqueue without targeting and that spills scripts and styles all over /wp-admin
Using OOP we can store common variables to be used among internal methods.
Parameter | Details |
$page_title | (string) The text to be displayed in the title tags of the page when the menu is selected. |
$menu_title | (string) The text to be used for the menu. |
$capability | (string) The capability required for this menu to be displayed to the user. |
$menu_slug | (string) The slug name to refer to this menu by (should be unique for this menu). |
$function | (callable) (optional) The function to be called to output the content for this page. |
$icon_url | (string) (optional) The URL to the icon to be used for this menu. |
$position | (int) (optional) The position in the menu order this one should appear. |