Xcode Tips

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Reuse code snippets in Xcode

You can save your code snippets for use later simply by drag and drop. For eg: if you have an NSLog statement that used for so many places somewhere else in the project, then you can save the NSLog statements to code snippets library.

enter image description here

Drag the NSLog statement to code snippet library.

enter image description here

Now you can simply reuse the code snippet anywhere else on project. Also you can customise the code snippet and can add placeholder texts by give statements bw <# and #>.

enter image description here

Drag and drop this code snippet gives an NSLog with placeholder text.

enter image description here

Install Plugins on Xcode 7

Xcode by itself has quite a few good tools built in, but sometimes you just want to change a specific behavior or create a convenience shortcut. That's why there's Alcatraz.


curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/supermarin/Alcatraz/deploy/Scripts/install.sh | sh

Throw this in a terminal, restart Xcode and you're good to go.


A few popular ones include:

Of course there are many more and some are so good, Apple already implemented them into Xcode 8 (FuzzyAutocomplete and VVDocumenter for example)


menu Hit āŒ˜ + ā‡§ + 9 or use this menu to open up the Package manager.

package manager

Click install on any package you want installed and afterwards restart Xcode again.

Hide strange unwanted and extra Xcode 8 logs.

  1. From Xcode menu open: Product > Scheme > Edit Scheme.
  2. On your Environment Variables set OS_ACTIVITY_MODE = disable

enter image description here


Topic Id: 3349

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