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Characters can be escaped in XML using entity references and character references, or CDATA sections.

XML pre-defines five entities:

Named entityReplacement text

Consuming applications will not know whether each character has been escaped or not, and how.


The & character appears first in entity references and must be escaped in element content or in attribute content.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<document attribute="An ampersand is escaped as &amp;">
  An ampersand can also be escaped as &amp; in element content.

Lower-than sign

The < character appears first in entity tags and must be escaped in element content or in attribute content.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<document attribute="A lower-than sign is escaped as &lt;">
  2 + 2 &lt; 5

Greater-than sign

The ]]> character sequence is not allowed in element content. The easiest way to escape it is to escape > as &gt;.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
  The sequence ]]&gt; cannot appear in element content.

Apostrophes and quotes

Attribute values can appear in simple or double quotes. The appropriate character must be escaped.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
  quot-attribute="This is a &quot;double quote&quot; and this one is 'simple'"
  apos-attribute='This is a &apos;simple quote&apos; and this one is "double"'>

CDATA sections

Longer portions of text containing special characters can be escaped with a CDATA section. CDATA sections can only appear in element content.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
  This is a CDATA section : <![CDATA[ plenty of special characters like & < > " ; ]]>

A CDATA section cannot contain the sequence ]]> because it ends it.

Character references

Characters can be escaped using character references, in element content or attribute values. Their Unicode codepoint can be specified in decimal or hex.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
  The line feed character can be escaped with a decimal (&#10;) or hex (&#xA;)
  representation of its Unicode codepoint (10).

XML restricts characters that can appear in a document, even escaped. In particular, the only control characters allowed are line feed (10), carriage return (13) or horizontal tab (9).


Topic Id: 3685

Example Ids: 12697,12698,12699,12700,12701,12702

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