Modifications to Contact and Address Info through Code

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Specify Contact and Address information for a new Employee

To specify Contact and Address info for an Employee, you should always invoke Select() method on the Contact and Address data views prior to assigning any field values. It is also recommended to assign the result of Select() method to the Contact and Address data views' Current property to guarantee that your code modifies the current record in Contact and Address PXCache respectively.

EmployeeMaint employeeMaintGraph = PXGraph.CreateInstance<EmployeeMaint>();
EPEmployee epEmployeeRow = new EPEmployee();
epEmployeeRow.AcctCD = "EMPLOYEE1";
epEmployeeRow = employeeMaintGraph.Employee.Insert(epEmployeeRow);

Contact contactRow = employeeMaintGraph.Contact.Current = employeeMaintGraph.Contact.Select();
contactRow.FirstName = "John";
contactRow.LastName = "Green";

Address addressRow = employeeMaintGraph.Address.Current = employeeMaintGraph.Address.Select();
addressRow.CountryID = "US";
addressRow = employeeMaintGraph.Address.Update(addressRow);
addressRow.State = "DC";

epEmployeeRow.VendorClassID = "EMPSTAND";
epEmployeeRow.DepartmentID = "FINANCE";


When inserting a new Employee, employeeMaintGraph.Contact.Current will always return the main contact record as the contact record gets automatically inserted into the cache and therefore becomes available via the Current property of PXCache/Data View. The use of Select() method is a little more generic since it will work in all possible scenarios, whether you need to insert new Employee or update an existing one.

Override Bill-To Contact and Bill-To Address Info for a Customer

When you need to override Bill-To Contact and Bill-To Address info for a Customer, the very first step is to set correct values for the IsBillContSameAsMain and IsBillSameAsMain properties of the Customer DAC. Don't forget to invoke Update() method on the Customer cache right after you updated IsBillContSameAsMain or IsBillSameAsMain property to commit the current Same as Main field value into the cache.

Your next step is to invoke Select() method on the BillContact and BillAddress data views prior to assigning any field values. It is also recommended to assign the result of Select() method to the BillContact and BillAddress data views' Current property to guarantee that your code modifies the current record in Contact and Address PXCache respectively.

public class CustomerMaintExt : PXGraphExtension<CustomerMaint>
    public PXAction<Customer> UpdateBillingAddress;
    [PXButton(CommitChanges = true)]
    [PXUIField(DisplayName = "Update Bill-To Info")]
    protected void updateBillingAddress()
        Customer currentCustomer = Base.BAccount.Current;

        if (currentCustomer.IsBillContSameAsMain != true)
            currentCustomer.IsBillContSameAsMain = true;
            currentCustomer.IsBillContSameAsMain = false;

            Contact billContact = Base.BillContact.Current = Base.BillContact.Select();
            billContact.FullName = "ABC Holdings Inc";
            billContact.Phone1 = "+1 (212) 532-9574";

        if (currentCustomer.IsBillSameAsMain != true)
            currentCustomer.IsBillSameAsMain = true;
            currentCustomer.IsBillSameAsMain = false;

            Address billAddress = Base.BillAddress.Current = Base.BillAddress.Select();
            billAddress.AddressLine1 = "65 Broadway";
            billAddress.AddressLine2 = "Office Suite 187";
            billAddress.City = "New York";
            billAddress.CountryID = "US";
            billAddress = Base.BillAddress.Update(billAddress);
            billAddress.State = "NY";
            billAddress.PostalCode = "10004";


Override Bill-To Contact and Bill-To Address Info for a Sales Order

To specify Bill-To Contact and Bill-To Address info for a Sales Order, you should always first invoke Select() method on the Billing_Contact and Billing_Address data views prior to assigning any field values. It is also recommended to assign the result of Select() method to the Billing_Contact and Billing_Address data views' Current property to guarantee that your code modifies the current record in SOBillingContact and SOBillingAddress PXCache respectively.

When you need to override Bill-To Contact and Address info for a Sales Order, set correct values for the OverrideContact and OverrideAddress properties on the SOBillingContact DAC and the SOBillingAddress DAC. Don't forget to invoke Update() method on the SOBillingContact and SOBillingAddress caches right after you updated OverrideContact and OverrideAddress properties to commit the changes. Once that's done, you can go ahead and specify Bill-To Contact and Address info for a Sales Order.

public class SOOrderEntryExt : PXGraphExtension<SOOrderEntry>
    public PXAction<SOOrder> UpdateBillingAddress;
    [PXButton(CommitChanges = true)]
    [PXUIField(DisplayName = "Update Bill-To Info")]
    protected void updateBillingAddress()
        SOBillingContact contact = Base.Billing_Contact.Current = Base.Billing_Contact.Select();
        if (contact.OverrideContact == true)
            contact.OverrideContact = false;
            contact.OverrideContact = true;
            contact = Base.Billing_Contact.Update(contact);
            if (contact == null)
                contact = Base.Billing_Contact.Current;

            contact.Phone1 = "+1 (908) 643-0281";
            contact.Email = "[email protected]";

        SOBillingAddress address = Base.Billing_Address.Current = Base.Billing_Address.Select();
        if (address.OverrideAddress == true)
            address.OverrideAddress = false;
            address.OverrideAddress = true;
            address = Base.Billing_Address.Update(address);
            if (address == null)
                address = Base.Billing_Address.Current;

            address.AddressLine1 = "201 Lower Notch Rd";
            address.AddressLine2 = "Office Suite 1936";
            address.City = "Little Falls";
            address.CountryID = "US";
            address = Base.Billing_Address.Update(address);
            address.State = "NJ";
            address.PostalCode = "07425";



Topic Id: 10617

Example Ids: 31866,31867,31868

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