In all samples above, you made changes to both the _AllowedValues
and _AllowedLabels
arrays. If your task is to modify only label (external value) of a drop-down item, consider using Translation Dictionaries. For more information on Translation Dictionaries see
Acumatica ERP Documentation
In this example you will be modifying the Marital Status drop-down list found on the Contacts form (CR302000):
The best way to extend drop-down items hard-coded inside an attribute inherited from the PXStringList or PXIntList attribute is by increasing size of the _AllowedValues
and _AllowedLabels
arrays in the constructor of your custom field attribute:
public static class MaritalStatusesMessages
public const string CommonLaw = "Living common law";
public const string Separated = "Separated (not living common law)";
public const string DivorcedNoCommonLaw = "Divorced (not living common law)";
public const string NeverMarried = "Never Married";
public class MaritalStatusesCst1Attribute : MaritalStatusesAttribute
public const string CommonLaw = "L";
public const string Separated = "P";
public const string NeverMarried = "N";
public MaritalStatusesCst1Attribute()
Array.Resize(ref _AllowedValues, _AllowedValues.Length + 3);
_AllowedValues[_AllowedValues.Length - 3] = CommonLaw;
_AllowedValues[_AllowedValues.Length - 2] = Separated;
_AllowedValues[_AllowedValues.Length - 1] = NeverMarried;
Array.Resize(ref _AllowedLabels, _AllowedLabels.Length + 3);
_AllowedLabels[_AllowedLabels.Length - 3] = MaritalStatusesMessages.CommonLaw;
_AllowedLabels[_AllowedLabels.Length - 2] = MaritalStatusesMessages.Separated;
_AllowedLabels[_AllowedLabels.Length - 1] = MaritalStatusesMessages.NeverMarried;
In the sample above, you increased size of the _AllowedValues
and _AllowedLabels
arrays to add 3 additional items to the Marital Status drop-down list. Internal values, stored in the _AllowedValues
array, will be assigned to DAC fields and saved in database, and external values from the _AllowedValues
array represent internal values in the UI.
To test the results, in the Contact DAC extension, decorate MaritalStatus field with the MaritalStatusesCst1Attribute
public class ContactExt : PXCacheExtension<Contact>
[PXMergeAttributes(Method = MergeMethod.Append)]
public string MaritalStatus { get; set; }
Now there are 7 items in the Marital Status drop-down list:
To remove specific drop-down item, that was hard-coded inside an attribute inherited from the PXStringList or PXIntList attribute, you need to decrease size of the _AllowedValues
and _AllowedLabels
arrays in the constructor of your custom field attribute:
public class MaritalStatusesCst2Attribute : MaritalStatusesCst1Attribute
public MaritalStatusesCst2Attribute()
string[] allowedValues = new string[_AllowedValues.Length - 1];
string[] allowedLabels = new string[_AllowedLabels.Length - 1];
Array.Copy(_AllowedValues, 1, allowedValues, 0, _AllowedValues.Length - 1);
Array.Copy(_AllowedLabels, 1, allowedLabels, 0, _AllowedValues.Length - 1);
_AllowedValues = allowedValues;
_AllowedLabels = allowedLabels;
In the sample above, you decreased size of the _AllowedValues
and _AllowedLabels
arrays to remove Single item from the Marital Status drop-down list.
To test the results, in the Contact DAC extension, decorate MaritalStatus field with the MaritalStatusesCst2Attribute
public class ContactExt : PXCacheExtension<Contact>
[PXMergeAttributes(Method = MergeMethod.Append)]
public string MaritalStatus { get; set; }
Now there are only 6 items: 3 original and 3 custom - in the Marital Status drop-down list:
To replace specific drop-down item, originally hard-coded inside an attribute inherited from the PXStringList or PXIntList attribute, you need to update appropriate value in the _AllowedValues
and _AllowedLabels
arrays in the constructor of your custom field attribute:
public class MaritalStatusesCst3Attribute : MaritalStatusesCst2Attribute
public const string DivorcedNoCommonLaw = "V";
public MaritalStatusesCst3Attribute()
_AllowedValues[Array.IndexOf(_AllowedValues, Divorced)] = DivorcedNoCommonLaw;
_AllowedLabels[Array.IndexOf(_AllowedLabels, Messages.Divorced)] = MaritalStatusesMessages.DivorcedNoCommonLaw;
In the sample above, you replaced D - Divorced item with V - Divorced (not living common law) in the _AllowedValues
and _AllowedLabels
arrays respectively. By doing so, we replace both internal and external values of a drop-down item.
To test the results, in the Contact DAC extension, decorate MaritalStatus field with the MaritalStatusesCst3Attribute
public class ContactExt : PXCacheExtension<Contact>
[PXMergeAttributes(Method = MergeMethod.Append)]
public string MaritalStatus { get; set; }
Now there are only 6 items: 2 original, 3 custom and 1 replaced - in the Marital Status drop-down list: