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Complete example : Login/logout a user


This topic is not about Redux and/or Ngrx :

  • You need to be comfortable with Redux
  • At least understand the basics of RxJs and Observable pattern

First, let's define an example from the very beginning and play with some code :

As a developer, I want to :

  1. Have an IUser interface that defines the properties of a User
  2. Declare the actions that we'll use later to manipulate the User in the Store
  3. Define the initial state of the UserReducer
  4. Create the reducer UserReducer
  5. Import our UserReducer into our main module to build the Store
  6. Use data from the Store to display information in our view

Spoiler alert : If you want to try the demo right away or read the code before we even get started, here's a Plunkr (embed view or run view).

1) Define IUser interface

I like to split my interfaces in two parts :

  • The properties we'll get from a server
  • The properties we define only for the UI (should a button be spinning for example)

And here's the interface IUser we'll be using :


export interface IUser {
  // from server
  username: string;
  email: string;
  // for UI
  isConnecting: boolean;
  isConnected: boolean;

2) Declare the actions to manipulate the User

Now we've got to think about what kind of actions our reducers are supposed to handle.
Let say here :


export const UserActions = {
  // when the user clicks on login button, before we launch the HTTP request
  // this will allow us to disable the login button during the request
  // this allows us to save the username and email of the user
  // we assume those data were fetched in the previous request

  // same pattern for disconnecting the user

But before we use those actions, let me explain why we're going to need a service to dispatch some of those actions for us :

Let say that we want to connect a user. So we'll be clicking on a login button and here's what's going to happen :

  • Click on the button
  • The component catch the event and call userService.login
  • userService.login method dispatch an event to update our store property : user.isConnecting
  • An HTTP call is fired (we'll use a setTimeout in the demo to simulate the async behaviour)
  • Once the HTTP call is finished, we'll dispatch another action to warn our store that a user is logged


export class UserService {
  constructor(public store$: Store<AppState>) { }

  login(username: string) {
    // first, dispatch an action saying that the user's tyring to connect
    // so we can lock the button until the HTTP request finish$.dispatch({ type: UserActions.USR_IS_CONNECTING });

    // simulate some delay like we would have with an HTTP request
    // by using a timeout
    setTimeout(() => {
      // some email (or data) that you'd have get as HTTP response
      let email = `${username}`;$.dispatch({ type: UserActions.USR_IS_CONNECTED, payload: { username, email } });
    }, 2000);

  logout() {
    // first, dispatch an action saying that the user's tyring to connect
    // so we can lock the button until the HTTP request finish$.dispatch({ type: UserActions.USR_IS_DISCONNECTING });

    // simulate some delay like we would have with an HTTP request
    // by using a timeout
    setTimeout(() => {$.dispatch({ type: UserActions.USR_IS_DISCONNECTED });
    }, 2000);

3) Define the initial state of the UserReducer


export const UserFactory: IUser = () => {
  return {
    // from server
    username: null,
    email: null,

    // for UI
    isConnecting: false,
    isConnected: false,
    isDisconnecting: false

4) Create the reducer UserReducer

A reducer takes 2 arguments :

  • The current state
  • An Action of type Action<{type: string, payload: any}>

Reminder : A reducer needs to be initialized at some point

As we defined the default state of our reducer in part 3), we'll be able to use it like that :


export const UserReducer: ActionReducer<IUser> = (user: IUser, action: Action) => {
  if (user === null) {
    return userFactory();
  // ...

Hopefully, there's an easier way to write that by using our factory function to return an object and within the reducer use an (ES6) default parameters value :

export const UserReducer: ActionReducer<IUser> = (user: IUser = UserFactory(), action: Action) => {
  // ...

Then, we need to handle every actions in our reducer : TIP: Use ES6 Object.assign function to keep our state immutable

export const UserReducer: ActionReducer<IUser> = (user: IUser = UserFactory(), action: Action) => {
  switch (action.type) {
    case UserActions.USR_IS_CONNECTING:
      return Object.assign({}, user, { isConnecting: true });

    case UserActions.USR_IS_CONNECTED:
      return Object.assign({}, user, { isConnecting: false, isConnected: true, username: action.payload.username });

    case UserActions.USR_IS_DISCONNECTING:
      return Object.assign({}, user, { isDisconnecting: true });

    case UserActions.USR_IS_DISCONNECTED:
      return Object.assign({}, user, { isDisconnecting: false, isConnected: false });

      return user;

5) Import our UserReducer into our main module to build the Store


    declarations: [
    imports: [
    // angular modules
    // ...

    // declare your store by providing your reducers
    // (every reducer should return a default state)
        user: UserReducer,
        // of course, you can put as many reducers here as you want
        // ...

    // other modules to import
    // ...

6) Use data from the Store to display information in our view

Everything is now ready on logic side and we just have to display what we want in two components :

  • UserComponent: [Dumb component] We'll just pass the user object from the store using @Input property and async pipe. This way, the component will receive the user only once it's available (and the user will be of type IUser and not of type Observable<IUser> !)
  • LoginComponent [Smart component] We'll directly inject the Store into this component and work only on user as an Observable.


  selector: 'user',
  styles: [
    '.table { max-width: 250px; }',
    '.truthy { color: green; font-weight: bold; }',
    '.falsy { color: red; }'
  template: `
    <h2>User information :</h2>

    <table class="table">

        <td [class.truthy]="user.username" [class.falsy]="!user.username">
          {{ user.username ? user.username : 'null' }}

        <td [class.truthy]="" [class.falsy]="!">
          {{ ? : 'null' }}

        <td [class.truthy]="user.isConnecting" [class.falsy]="!user.isConnecting">
          {{ user.isConnecting }}

        <td [class.truthy]="user.isConnected" [class.falsy]="!user.isConnected">
          {{ user.isConnected }}

        <td [class.truthy]="user.isDisconnecting" [class.falsy]="!user.isDisconnecting">
          {{ user.isDisconnecting }}
export class UserComponent {
  @Input() user;

  constructor() { }


  selector: 'login',
  template: `
      *ngIf="!(user | async).isConnected"
        [disabled]="(user | async).isConnecting"
        [disabled]="(user | async).isConnecting || (user | async).isConnected"
      >Log me in</button>
      *ngIf="(user | async).isConnected"
      [disabled]="(user | async).isDisconnecting"
    >Log me out</button>
export class LoginComponent {
  public user: Observable<IUser>;
  constructor(public store$: Store<AppState>, private userService: UserService) {
      this.user = store$.select('user');
  login(username: string) {
  logout() {

As Ngrx is a merge of Redux and RxJs concepts, it can be quite hard to understand the ins an outs at the beginning. But this is a powerful pattern that allows you as we've seen in this example to have a reactive app and were you can easily share your data. Don't forget that there's a Plunkr available and you can fork it to make your own tests !

I hope it was helpful even tho the topic is quite long, cheers !


Topic Id: 8086

Example Ids: 26081

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