AngularJS bindings options (`=`, `@`, `&` etc.)

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@ one-way binding, attribute binding.

Pass in a literal value (not an object), such as a string or number.

Child scope gets his own value, if it updates the value, parent scope has his own old value (child scope can't modify the parens scope value). When parent scope value is changed, child scope value will be changed as well. All interpolations appears every time on digest call, not only on directive creation.

<one-way text="Simple text." <!-- 'Simple text.' -->
         simple-value="123" <!-- '123' Note, is actually a string object. -->
         interpolated-value="{{parentScopeValue}}" <!-- Some value from parent scope. You can't change parent scope value, only child scope value. Note, is actually a string object. -->
         interpolated-function-value="{{parentScopeFunction()}}" <!-- Executes parent scope function and takes a value. -->
         <!-- Unexpected usage. -->
         object-item="{{objectItem}}" <!-- Converts object|date to string. Result might be: '{"a":5,"b":"text"}'. -->
         function-item="{{parentScopeFunction}}"> <!-- Will be an empty string. -->

= two-way binding.

Passing in a value by reference, you want to share the value between both scopes and manipulate them from both scopes. You should not use {{...}} for interpolation.

<two-way text="'Simple text.'" <!-- 'Simple text.' -->
         simple-value="123" <!-- 123 Note, is actually a number now. -->
         interpolated-value="parentScopeValue" <!-- Some value from parent scope. You may change it in one scope and have updated value in another. -->
         object-item="objectItem" <!-- Some object from parent scope. You may change object properties in one scope and have updated properties in another. -->
         <!-- Unexpected usage. -->
         interpolated-function-value="parentScopeFunction()" <!-- Will raise an error. -->
         function-item="incrementInterpolated"> <!-- Pass the function by reference and you may use it in child scope. -->

Passing function by reference is a bad idea: to allow scope to change the definition of a function, and two unnecessary watcher will be created, you need to minimize watchers count.

& function binding, expression binding.

Pass a method into a directive. It provides a way to execute an expression in the context of the parent scope. Method will be executed in the scope of the parent, you may pass some parameters from the child scope there. You should not use {{...}} for interpolation. When you use & in a directive, it generates a function that returns the value of the expression evaluated against the parent scope (not the same as = where you just pass a reference).

<expression-binding interpolated-function-value="incrementInterpolated(param)" <!-- interpolatedFunctionValue({param: 'Hey'}) will call passed function with an argument. -->
                    function-item="incrementInterpolated" <!-- functionItem({param: 'Hey'})() will call passed function, but with no possibility set up a parameter. -->
                    text="'Simple text.'"  <!-- text() == 'Simple text.'-->
                    simple-value="123" <!-- simpleValue() == 123 -->
                    interpolated-value="parentScopeValue" <!-- interpolatedValue() == Some value from parent scope. -->
                    object-item="objectItem"> <!-- objectItem() == Object item from parent scope. -->

All parameters will be wrapped into functions.

Available binding through a simple sample

angular.component("SampleComponent", {
  bindings: {
     title: '@',
     movies: '<',
     reservation: "=",
     processReservation: "&"

Here we have all binding elements.

@ indicates that we need a very basic binding, from the parent scope to the children scope, without any watcher, in any way. Every update in the parent scope would stay in the parent scope, and any update on the child scope would not be communicated to the parent scope.

< indicates a one way binding. Updates in the parent scope would be propagated to the children scope, but any update in the children scope would not be applied to the parent scope.

= is already known as a two-way binding. Every update on the parent scope would be applied on the children ones, and every child update would be applied to the parent scope.

& is now used for an output binding. According to the component documentation, it should be used to reference the parent scope method. Instead of manipulating the children scope, just call the parent method with the updated data!

Bind optional attribute

bindings: {
   mandatory: '=' 
   optional: '=?',
   foo: '=?bar'

Optional attributes should be marked with question mark: =? or =?bar. It is protection for ($compile:nonassign) exception.


Topic Id: 6149

Example Ids: 21363,21364,21365,21631,28775

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