A very common question when working with Angular is how to share data between controllers. Using a service is the most frequent response and this is a simple example demonstrating a factory pattern to share any type of data object between two or more controllers. Because it is a shared object reference, an update in one controller will be immediately available in all other controllers using the service. Note that both service and factory and both providers.
Firstly, include the ngStorage source in your index.html.
An example injecting ngStorage
src would be:
<title>Angular JS ngStorage</title>
<script src = "http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.3.14/angular.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://rawgithub.com/gsklee/ngStorage/master/ngStorage.js"></script>
gives you 2 storage namely: $localStorage
and $sessionStorage
. You need to require ngStorage and Inject the services.
Suppose if ng-app="myApp"
, then you would be injecting ngStorage
as following:
var app = angular.module('myApp', ['ngStorage']);
app.controller('controllerOne', function($localStorage,$sessionStorage) {
// an object to share
var sampleObject = {
name: 'angularjs',
value: 1
$localStorage.valueToShare = sampleObject;
$sessionStorage.valueToShare = sampleObject;
.controller('controllerTwo', function($localStorage,$sessionStorage) {
console.log('localStorage: '+ $localStorage +'sessionStorage: '+$sessionStorage);
and $sessionStorage
is globally accessible through any controllers as long as you inject those services in the controllers.
You can also use the localStorage
and sessionStorage
of HTML5
. However, using HTML5
would require you to serialize and deserialize your objects before using or saving them.
For example:
var myObj = {
firstname: "Nic",
lastname: "Raboy",
website: "https://www.google.com"
//if you wanted to save into localStorage, serialize it
window.localStorage.set("saved", JSON.stringify(myObj));
//unserialize to get object
var myObj = JSON.parse(window.localStorage.get("saved"));
We can create a service
to set
and get
the data between the controllers
and then inject that service in the controller function where we want to use it.
Service :
app.service('setGetData', function() {
var data = '';
getData: function() { return data; },
setData: function(requestData) { data = requestData; }
Controllers :
app.controller('myCtrl1', ['setGetData',function(setGetData) {
// To set the data from the one controller
var data = 'Hello World !!';
app.controller('myCtrl2', ['setGetData',function(setGetData) {
// To get the data from the another controller
var res = setGetData.getData();
console.log(res); // Hello World !!
Here, we can see that myCtrl1
is used for setting
the data and myCtrl2
is used for getting
the data. So, we can share the data from one controller to another contrller like this.