Batch and VBS hybrids

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Run VBS with temporary file(s)

The old-school method for running another script from batch is to echo the script into another location, and then run it.

This method can be represented like this:

@echo off
rem VBS below
    echo your vbs > TempVBS.vbs
    echo other vbs>>TempVBS.vbs
rem End of VBS

cscript //nologo TempVBS.vbs
del /f /s /q TempVBS.vbs

The method above would require lots of echo (vbs) >> TempVBS.vbs, so here's a way to shorten it. (code by Aacini)

@echo off

rem Get the number of the "<resource>" line
for /F "delims=:" %%a in ('findstr /N "<resource>" "%~F0"') do set "start=%%a"

rem Skip such number of lines and show the rest of this file
(for /F "usebackq skip=%start% delims=" %%a in ("%~F0") do echo %%a) > Program.vbs

cscript //nologo Program.vbs
del /f /s /q Program.vbs
exit /b

your vbs
another line of vbs

The last method is by using streams. A file can have a few streams. And every stream can contain different information.

@echo off

    echo vbs >%0:stream1
    rem This command redirect "vbs" into the stream1 of this script, then we can call it later

cscript %0:stream1 //nologo
   rem if you like, you can clear the stream1 of this file by:
   type nul>%0:stream1

Embed vbscript code into batch file without using temporary files

Here's an example with the technique(hack) invented by the dostips forums' user Liviu:

@echo off
echo Printed by CMD.EXE
cscript //nologo "%~f0?.wsf" //job:JS //job:VBS

exit /b %errorlevel%

  <job id="JS"> 
    <script language="VBScript">
        WScript.Echo("Printed by VBScript"):
  <job id="VBS"> 
    <script language="JScript">
        WScript.Echo("Printed by JScript");

As running wsf file with windows script host is extension sensitive you can run a file with any extension by adding ?.wsf at the end of the file (which is the core of the hack). While the Liviu's example is probably more robust the above code is more simplified version. As wsh does not care much about the things outside the <package> node you are not obligated to put everything in xml comments. Though it's to be careful with redirection symbols (< and >)


Topic Id: 10061

Example Ids: 30865,31022

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