exposes two functions to decode a payload, first one is decodeValue
which tries to decode a Json.Encode.Value
, the second one is decodeString
which tries to decode a JSON string. Both function take 2 parameters, a decoder and a Json.Encode.Value
or Json string.
The following example can be tested on https://ellie-app.com/m9tk39VpQg/0.
import Html exposing (..)
import Json.Decode
payload =
["fu", "bar"]
main =
Json.Decode.decodeString decoder payload -- Ok ["fu","bar"]
|> toString
|> text
decoder =
Json.Decode.list Json.Decode.string
The following examples can be tested on https://ellie-app.com/m9vmQ8NcMc/0.
import Html exposing (..)
import Json.Decode
payload =
[ { "bark": true, "tag": "dog", "name": "Zap", "playful": true }
, { "whiskers": true, "tag" : "cat", "name": "Felix" }
, {"color": "red", "tag": "tomato"}
type alias Dog =
{ bark: Bool
, name: String
, playful: Bool
type alias Cat =
{ whiskers: Bool
, name: String
type Animal
= DogAnimal Dog
| CatAnimal Cat
| NoAnimal
main =
Json.Decode.decodeString decoder payload
|> toString
|> text
decoder =
Json.Decode.field "tag" Json.Decode.string
|> Json.Decode.andThen animalType
|> Json.Decode.list
animalType tag =
case tag of
"dog" ->
Json.Decode.map3 Dog
(Json.Decode.field "bark" Json.Decode.bool)
(Json.Decode.field "name" Json.Decode.string)
(Json.Decode.field "playful" Json.Decode.bool)
|> Json.Decode.map DogAnimal
"cat" ->
Json.Decode.map2 Cat
(Json.Decode.field "whiskers" Json.Decode.bool)
(Json.Decode.field "name" Json.Decode.string)
|> Json.Decode.map CatAnimal
_ ->
Json.Decode.succeed NoAnimal
This is useful if you use rust in the backend and elm on the front end
enum Complex{
let c1 = Complex::Message("hi");
let c2 = Complex::Size(1024u64);
The encoded Json from rust will be:
{"variant": "Message",
"fields": ["hi"]
{"variant": "Size",
"fields": [1024]
The decoder in elm
import Json.Decode as Decode exposing (Decoder)
type Complex = Message String
| Size Int
-- decodes json to Complex type
complexDecoder: Decoder Value
complexDecoder =
("variant" := Decode.string `Decode.andThen` variantDecoder)
variantDecoder: String -> Decoder Value
variantDecoder variant =
case variant of
"Message" ->
Decode.map Message
("fields" := Decode.tuple1 (\a -> a) Decode.string)
"Size" ->
Decode.map Size
("fields" := Decode.tuple1 (\a -> a) Decode.int)
_ ->
Debug.crash "This can't happen"
Usage: the data is requested from http rest api and the decoding of the payload will be
Http.fromJson complexDecoder payload
Decoding from string will be
Decode.decodeString complexDecoder payload
The following code can be found in a demo here: https://ellie-app.com/mbFwJT9jD3/0
import Html exposing (..)
import Json.Decode exposing (Decoder)
payload =
"id": 0,
"name": "Adam Carter",
"work": "Unilogic",
"email": "[email protected]",
"dob": "24/11/1978",
"address": "83 Warner Street",
"city": "Boston",
"optedin": true
"id": 1,
"name": "Leanne Brier",
"work": "Connic",
"email": "[email protected]",
"dob": "13/05/1987",
"address": "9 Coleman Avenue",
"city": "Toronto",
"optedin": false
type alias User =
{ name: String
, work: String
, email: String
, dob: String
, address: String
, city: String
, optedin: Bool
main =
Json.Decode.decodeString decoder payload
|> toString
|> text
decoder: Decoder (List User)
decoder =
Json.Decode.map7 User
(Json.Decode.field "name" Json.Decode.string)
(Json.Decode.field "work" Json.Decode.string)
(Json.Decode.field "email" Json.Decode.string)
(Json.Decode.field "dob" Json.Decode.string)
(Json.Decode.field "address" Json.Decode.string)
(Json.Decode.field "city" Json.Decode.string)
(Json.Decode.field "optedin" Json.Decode.bool)
|> Json.Decode.list
In case you have json with an ISO date string like this
JSON.stringify({date: new Date()})
// -> "{"date":"2016-12-12T13:24:34.470Z"}"
You can map it to elm Date
import Html exposing (text)
import Json.Decode as JD
import Date
payload = """{"date":"2016-12-12T13:24:34.470Z"}"""
dateDecoder : JD.Decoder Date.Date
dateDecoder =
|> JD.andThen ( \str ->
case Date.fromString str of
Err err -> JD.fail err
Ok date -> JD.succeed date )
payloadDecoder : JD.Decoder Date.Date
payloadDecoder =
JD.field "date" dateDecoder
main =
JD.decodeString payloadDecoder payload
|> toString
|> text
See Ellie for a working example. This example uses the NoRedInk/elm-decode-pipeline module.
Given a list of JSON objects, which themselves contain lists of JSON objects:
"id": 0,
"name": "Item 1",
"transactions": [
{ "id": 0, "amount": 75.00 },
{ "id": 1, "amount": 25.00 }
"id": 1,
"name": "Item 2",
"transactions": [
{ "id": 0, "amount": 50.00 },
{ "id": 1, "amount": 15.00 }
If the above string is in the payload
string, that can be decoded using the following:
module Main exposing (main)
import Html exposing (..)
import Json.Decode as Decode exposing (Decoder)
import Json.Decode.Pipeline as JP
import String
type alias Item =
{ id : Int
, name : String
, transactions : List Transaction
type alias Transaction =
{ id : Int
, amount : Float
main =
Decode.decodeString (Decode.list itemDecoder) payload
|> toString
|> String.append "JSON "
|> text
itemDecoder : Decoder Item
itemDecoder =
JP.decode Item
|> JP.required "id" Decode.int
|> JP.required "name" Decode.string
|> JP.required "transactions" (Decode.list transactionDecoder)
transactionDecoder : Decoder Transaction
transactionDecoder =
JP.decode Transaction
|> JP.required "id" Decode.int
|> JP.required "amount" Decode.float