Types, Type Variables, and Type Constructors

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Please play with these concepts yourself to really master them! The elm-repl (see the Introduction to the REPL) is probably a good place to play around with the code above. You can also play with elm-repl online.

Comparable data types

Comparable types are primitive types that can be compared using comparison operators from Basics module, like: (<), (>), (<=), (>=), max, min, compare

Comparable types in Elm are Int, Float, Time, Char, String, and tuples or lists of comparable types.

In documentation or type definitions they are referred as a special type variable comparable, eg. see type definition for Basics.max function:

max : comparable -> comparable -> comparable

Type Signatures

In Elm, values are declared by writing a name, an equals sign, and then the actual value:

someValue = 42

Functions are also values, with the addition of taking a value or values as arguments. They are usually written as follows:

double n = n * 2

Every value in Elm has a type. The types of the values above will be inferred by the compiler depending on how they are used. But it is best-practice to always explicitly declare the type of any top-level value, and to do so you write a type signature as follows:

someValue : Int
someValue = 

someOtherValue : Float
someOtherValue =

As we can see, 42 can be defined as either an Int or a Float. This makes intuitive sense, but see Type Variables for more information.

Type signatures are particularly valuable when used with functions. Here's the doubling function from before:

double : Int -> Int
double n =
    n * 2

This time, the signature has a ->, an arrow, and we'd pronounce the signature as "int to int", or "takes an integer and returns an integer". -> indicates that by giving double an Int value as an argument, double will return an Int. Hence, it takes an integer to an integer:

> double
<function> : Int -> Int

> double 3
6 : Int

Basic Types

In elm-repl, type a piece of code to get its value and inferred type. Try the following to learn about the various types that exist:

> 42
42 : number

> 1.987
1.987 : Float

> 42 / 2
21 : Float

> 42 % 2
0 : Int

> 'e'
'e' : Char

> "e"
"e" : String

> "Hello Friend"
"Hello Friend" : String

> ['w', 'o', 'a', 'h']
['w', 'o', 'a', 'h'] : List Char

> ("hey", 42.42, ['n', 'o'])
("hey", 42.42, ['n', 'o']) : ( String, Float, List Char )

> (1, 2.1, 3, 4.3, 'c')
(1,2.1,3,4.3,'c') : ( number, Float, number', Float, Char )

> {}
{} : {}

> { hey = "Hi", someNumber = 43 }
{ hey = "Hi", someNumber = 43 } : { hey : String, someNumber : number }

> ()
() : ()

{} is the empty Record type, and () is the empty Tuple type. The latter is often used for the purposes of lazy evaluation. See the corresponding example in Functions and Partial Application.

Note how number appears uncapitalized. This indicates that it is a Type Variable, and moreover the particular word number refers to a Special Type Variable that can either be an Int or a Float (see the corresponding sections for more). Types though are always upper-case, such as Char, Float, List String, et cetera.

Type Variables

Type variables are uncapitalized names in type-signatures. Unlike their capitalized counterparts, such as Int and String, they do not represent a single type, but rather, any type. They are used to write generic functions that can operate on any type or types, and are particularly useful for writing operations over containers like List or Dict. The List.reverse function, for example, has the following signature:

reverse : List a -> List a

Which means it can work on a list of any type value, so List Int, List (List String), both of those and any others can be reversed all the same. Hence, a is a type variable that can stand in for any type.

The reverse function could have used any uncapitalized variable name in its type signature, except for the handful of special type variable names, such as number (see the corresponding example on that for more information):

reverse : List lol -> List lol

reverse : List wakaFlaka -> List wakaFlaka

The names of type variables become meaningful only when there when there are different type variables within a single signature, exemplified by the map function on lists:

map : (a -> b) -> List a -> List b

map takes some function from any type a to any type b, along with a list with elements of some type a, and returns a list of elements of some type b, which it gets by applying the given function to every element of the list.

Let's make the signature concrete to better see this:

plusOne : Int -> Int
plusOne x = 
    x + 1

> List.map plusOne
<function> : List Int -> List Int

As we can see, both a = Int and b = Int in this case. But, if map had a type signature like map : (a -> a) -> List a -> List a, then it would only work on functions that operate on a single type, and you'd never be able to change the type of a list by using the map function. But since the type signature of map has multiple different type variables, a and b, we can use map to change the type of a list:

isOdd : Int -> Bool
isOdd x =
    x % 2 /= 0

> List.map isOdd
<function> : List Int -> List Bool

In this case, a = Int and b = Bool. Hence, to be able to use functions that can take and return different types, you must use different type variables.

Type Aliases

Sometimes we want to give a type a more descriptive name. Let's say our app has a data type representing users:

{ name : String, age : Int, email : String }

And our functions on users have type signatures along the lines of:

prettyPrintUser : { name : String, age : Int, email : String } -> String

This could become quite unwieldy with a larger record type for a user, so let's use a type alias to cut down on the size and give a more meaningful name to that data structure:

type alias User =
    { name: String
    , age : Int
    , email : String

prettyPrintUser : User -> String

Type aliases make it much cleaner to define and use a model for an application:

type alias Model =
    { count : Int
    , lastEditMade : Time

Using type alias literally just aliases a type with the name you give it. Using the Model type above is exactly the same as using { count : Int, lastEditMade : Time }. Here's an example showing how aliases are no different than the underlying types:

type alias Bugatti = Int

type alias Fugazi = Int

unstoppableForceImmovableObject : Bugatti -> Fugazi -> Int
unstoppableForceImmovableObject bug fug =
    bug + fug

> unstoppableForceImmovableObject 09 87
96 : Int

A type alias for a record type defines a constructor function with one argument for each field in declaration order.

type alias Point = { x : Int, y : Int }

Point 3 7
{ x = 3, y = 7 } : Point

type alias Person = { last : String, middle : String, first : String }

Person "McNameface" "M" "Namey"
{ last = "McNameface", middle = "M", first = "Namey" } : Person

Each record type alias has its own field order even for a compatible type.

type alias Person = { last : String, middle : String, first : String }
type alias Person2 = { first : String, last : String, middle : String }

Person2 "Theodore" "Roosevelt" "-"
{ first = "Theodore", last = "Roosevelt", middle = "-" } : Person2

a = [ Person "Last" "Middle" "First", Person2 "First" "Last" "Middle" ]
[{ last = "Last", middle = "Middle", first = "First" },{ first = "First", last = "Last", middle = "Middle" }] : List Person2

Improving Type-Safety Using New Types

Aliasing types cuts down on boilerplate and enhances readability, but it is no more type-safe than the aliased type itself is. Consider the following:

type alias Email = String

type alias Name = String

someEmail = "[email protected]"

someName = "Benedict"

sendEmail : Email -> Cmd msg
sendEmail email = ...

Using the above code, we can write sendEmail someName, and it will compile, even though it really shouldn't, because despite names and emails both being Strings, they are entirely different things.

We can truly distinguish one String from another String on the type-level by creating a new type. Here's an example that rewrites Email as a type rather than a type alias:

module Email exposing (Email, create, send)

type Email = EmailAddress String

isValid : String -> Bool
isValid email = 
  -- ...validation logic

create : String -> Maybe Email
create email =
    if isValid email then
        Just (EmailAddress email)

send : Email -> Cmd msg
send (EmailAddress email) = ...

Our isValid function does something to determine if a string is a valid email address. The create function checks if a given String is a valid email, returning a Maybe-wrapped Email to ensure that we only return validated addresses. While we can sidestep the validation check by constructing an Email directly by writing EmailAddress "somestring", if our module declaration doesn't expose the EmailAddress constructor, as show here

module Email exposing (Email, create, send)

then no other module will have access to the EmailAddress constructor, though they can still use the Email type in annotations. The only way to build a new Email outside of this module is by using the create function it provides, and that function ensures that it will only return valid email addresses in the first place. Hence, this API automatically guides the user down the correct path via its type safety: send only works with values constructed by create, which performs a validation, and enforces handling of invalid emails since it returns a Maybe Email.

If you'd like to export the Email constructor, you could write

module Email exposing (Email(EmailAddress), create, send)

Now any file that imports Email can also import its constructor. In this case, doing so would allow users to sidestep validation and send invalid emails, but you're not always building an API like this, so exporting constructors can be useful. With a type that has several constructors, you may also only want to export some of them.

Constructing Types

The type alias keyword combination gives a new name for a type, but the type keyword in isolation declares a new type. Let's examine one of the most fundamental of these types: Maybe

type Maybe a
    = Just a
    | Nothing

The first thing to note is that the Maybe type is declared with a type variable of a. The second thing to note is the pipe character, |, which signifies "or". In other words, something of type Maybe a is either Just a or Nothing.

When you write the above code, Just and Nothing come into scope as value-constructors, and Maybe comes into scope as a type-constructor. These are their signatures:

Just : a -> Maybe a

Nothing : Maybe a

Maybe : a -> Maybe a -- this can only be used in type signatures

Because of the type variable a, any type can be "wrapped inside" of the Maybe type. So, Maybe Int, Maybe (List String), or Maybe (Maybe (List Html)), are all valid types. When destructuring any type value with a case expression, you must account for each possible instantiation of that type. In the case of a value of type Maybe a, you have to account for both the Just a case, and the Nothing case:

thing : Maybe Int
thing = 
    Just 3

blah : Int
blah =
    case thing of
        Just n -> 

        Nothing ->

-- blah = 3

Try writing the above code without the Nothing clause in the case expression: it won't compile. This is what makes the Maybe type-constructor a great pattern for expressing values that may not exist, as it forces you to handle the logic of when the value is Nothing.

The Never type

The Never type cannot be constructed (the Basics module hasn't exported its value constructor and hasn't given you any other function that returns Never either). There is no value never : Never or a function createNever : ?? -> Never.

This has its benefits: you can encode in a type system a possibility that can't happen. This can be seen in types like Task Never Int which guarantees it will succeed with an Int; or Program Never that will not take any parameters when initializing the Elm code from JavaScript.

Special Type Variables

Elm defines the following special type variables that have a particular meaning to the compiler:

  • comparable: Comprised of Int, Float, Char, String and tuples thereof. This allows the use of the < and > operators.

    Example: You could define a function to find the smallest and largest elements in a list (extent). You think what type signature to write. On one hand, you could write extentInt : List Int -> Maybe (Int, Int) and extentChar : List Char -> Maybe (Char, Char) and another for Float and String. The implementation of these would be the same:

    extentInt list =
        helper x (minimum, maximum) = 
          ((min minimum x), (max maximum x))
        case list of 
          [] ->
          x :: xs ->
            Just <| List.foldr helper (x, x) xs

    You might be tempted to simply write extent : List a -> Maybe (a, a), but the compiler will not let you do this, because the functions min and max are not defined for these types (NB: these are just simple wrappers around the < operator mentioned above). You can solve this by defining extent : List comparable -> Maybe (comparable, comparable). This allows your solution to be polymorphic, which just means that it will work for more than one type.

  • number: Comprised of Int and Float. Allows the use of arithmetic operators except division. You can then define for example sum : List number -> number and have it work for both ints and floats.

  • appendable: Comprised of String, List. Allows the use of the ++ operator.

  • compappend: This sometimes appears, but is an implementation detail of the compiler. Currently this can't be used in your own programs, but is sometimes mentioned.

Note that in a type annotation like this: number -> number -> number these all refer to the same type, so passing in Int -> Float -> Int would be a type error. You can solve this by adding a suffix to the type variable name: number -> number' -> number'' would then compile fine.

There is no official name for these, they are sometimes called:

  • Special Type Variables
  • Typeclass-like Type Variables
  • Pseudo-typeclasses

This is because they work like Haskell's Type Classes, but without the ability for the user to define these.


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