Guards (for writing conditional mixins)

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Style an element based on a variable's value

.set-colors(@type) when (@type = error) {
  @base-color: #d9534f;
  background: @base-color;
  color: contrast(@base-color, lighten(@base-color, 25%), darken(@base-color, 25%));
  border: 1px solid contrast(@base-color, lighten(@base-color, 25%), darken(@base-color, 25%));
.set-colors(@type) when (@type = info) {
  @base-color: #5bc0de;
  background: @base-color;
  color: contrast(@base-color, lighten(@base-color, 5%), darken(@base-color, 5%));
  border: 1px solid contrast(@base-color, lighten(@base-color, 5%), darken(@base-color, 5%));
.set-colors() {
  background: white;
  color: black;
  border: 1px solid black;

.error-message {
.info-message {
.default-div {

In the above example, the background, border and color are assigned based on the type of element. If the element is a default text div then the background will be white whereas the text and border would be black. If it is an "error" message display div or an "info" message display div then the colors are assigned based on the type.

The compiled CSS output would be as follows:

.error-message {
  background: #d9534f;
  color: #f0b9b8;
  border: 1px solid #f0b9b8;
.info-message {
  background: #5bc0de;
  color: #46b8da;
  border: 1px solid #46b8da;
.default-div {
  background: white;
  color: black;
  border: 1px solid black;


  • Mixin with Guards
  • .mixin-name(<arguments>) when <is-negation> (<ref-variable> <operator> <value>)
  • CSS Guards
  • <selector> when <is-negation> (<ref-variable> <operator> <value>)


argumentsThe variables that are passed to the parametric mixin. Arguments are optional.
is-negationThis indicates whether the guard condition is a not condition or not. For example when not (@type = error) means the mixin will be used whenever the value of @type is not error.
ref-variableThis is the variable whose value determines which mixin's properties should be applied to the element. This is mandatory.
operatorThis is the operator that is used for evaluating the condition. It can be =, >, <, >=, <=. This is not mandatory. When the operator and value is not given, the compiler assumes the condition to be &lt;ref-variable> = true.
valueThe value that is used for evaluating the condition. This is optional but becomes mandatory when an operator is provided.


Topic Id: 4795

Example Ids: 16856

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