use Data::Dumper;
my $data_structure = { foo => 'bar' };
print Dumper $data_structure;
Using Data::Dumper is an easy way to look at data structures or variable content at run time. It ships with Perl and you can load it easily. The Dumper
function returns the data structure serialized in a way that looks like Perl code.
$VAR1 = {
'foo' => 'bar',
That makes it very useful to quickly look at some values in your code. It's one of the most handy tools you have in your arsenal. Read the full documentation on metacpan.
Sometimes Data::Dumper is not enough. Got a Moose object you want to inspect? Huge numbers of the same structure? Want stuff sorted? Colored? Data::Printer is your friend.
use Data::Printer;
p $data_structure;
Data::Printer writes to STDERR, like warn
. That makes it easier to find the output. By default, it sorts hash keys and looks at objects.
use Data::Printer;
use LWP::UserAgent;
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
p $ua;
It will look at all the methods of the object, and also list the internals.
LWP::UserAgent {
Parents LWP::MemberMixin
public methods (45) : add_handler, agent, clone, conn_cache, cookie_jar, credentials, default_header, default_headers, delete, env_proxy, from, get, get_basic_credentials, get_my_handler, handlers, head, is_online, is_protocol_supported, local_address, max_redirect, max_size, mirror, new, no_proxy, parse_head, post, prepare_request, progress, protocols_allowed, protocols_forbidden, proxy, put, redirect_ok, remove_handler, request, requests_redirectable, run_handlers, send_request, set_my_handler, show_progress, simple_request, ssl_opts, timeout, use_alarm, use_eval
private methods (4) : _agent, _need_proxy, _new_response, _process_colonic_headers
internals: {
def_headers HTTP::Headers,
handlers {
response_header HTTP::Config
local_address undef,
max_redirect 7,
max_size undef,
no_proxy [],
protocols_allowed undef,
protocols_forbidden undef,
proxy {},
requests_redirectable [
[0] "GET",
[1] "HEAD"
show_progress undef,
ssl_opts {
verify_hostname 1
timeout 180,
use_eval 1
You can configure it further, so it serializes certain objects in a certain way, or to include objects up to an arbitrary depth. The full configuration is available in the documentation.
Unfortunately Data::Printer does not ship with Perl, so you need to install it from CPAN or through your package management system.
my @data_array = (123, 456, 789, 'poi', 'uyt', "rew", "qas");
print Dumper @data_array;
Using Data::Dumper gives an easy access to fetch list values. The Dumper
returns the list values serialized in a way that looks like Perl code.
$VAR1 = 123;
$VAR2 = 456;
$VAR3 = 789;
$VAR4 = 'poi';
$VAR5 = 'uyt';
$VAR6 = 'rew';
$VAR7 = 'qas';
As suggested by user @dgw When dumping arrays or hashes it is better to use an array reference or a hash reference, those will be shown better fitting to the input.
$ref_data = [23,45,67,'mnb','vcx'];
print Dumper $ref_data;
$VAR1 = [
You can also reference the array when printing.
my @data_array = (23,45,67,'mnb','vcx');
print Dumper \@data_array;
$VAR1 = [
The function show
is automatically exported when use Data::Show;
is executed. This function takes a variable as its sole argument and it outputs:
is run fromshow
is run fromAssuming that the following is code from the file
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Show;
my @array = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10);
my %hash = ( foo => 1, bar => { baz => 10, qux => 20 } );
my $href = \%hash;
show @array;
show %hash;
show $href;
gives the following output:
======( @array )=======================[ '', line 11 ]======
[1 .. 10]
======( %hash )========================[ '', line 12 ]======
{ bar => { baz => 10, qux => 20 }, foo => 1 }
======( $href )========================[ '', line 13 ]======
{ bar => { baz => 10, qux => 20 }, foo => 1 }