If you're ever dealing with C Binary API's from Perl Code, via the syscall
, ioctl
, or fcntl
functions, you need to know how to construct memory in a C Compatible way.
For instance, if you were ever dealing with some function that expected a timespec
, you'd look into /usr/include/time.h
and find:
struct timespec
__time_t tv_sec; /* Seconds. */
__syscall_slong_t tv_nsec; /* Nanoseconds. */
You do a dance with cpp
to find what that really means:
cpp -E /usr/include/time.h -o /dev/stdout | grep __time_t
# typedef long int __time_t;
cpp -E /usr/include/time.h -o /dev/stdout | grep __syscall_slong_t
# typedef long int __syscall_slong_t
So its a (signed) int
echo 'void main(){ printf("%#lx\n", sizeof(__syscall_slong_t)); }' |
gcc -x c -include stdio.h -include time.h - -o /tmp/a.out && /tmp/a.out
# 0x8
And it takes 8 bytes. So 64bit signed int. And I'm on a 64Bit Processor. =)
Perldoc pack
q A signed quad (64-bit) value.
So to pack a timespec:
sub packtime {
my ( $config ) = @_;
return pack 'qq', @{$config}{qw( tv_sec tv_nsec )};
And to unpack a timespec:
sub unpacktime {
my ( $buf ) = @_;
my $out = {};
@{$out}{qw( tv_sec tv_nsec )} = unpack 'qq', $buf;
return $out;
Now you can just use those functions instead.
my $timespec = packtime({ tv_sec => 0, tv_nsec => 0 });
syscall( ..., $timespec ); # some syscall that reads timespec
later ...
syscall( ..., $timespec ); # some syscall that writes timespec
print Dumper( unpacktime( $timespec ));
Sometimes you have to deal with structures defined in terms of C data types from Perl. One such application is the creation of raw network packets, in case you want to do something fancier than what the regular socket API has to offer. This is just what pack()
(and unpack()
of course) is there for.
The obligatory part of an IP header is 20 octets (AKA "bytes") long. As you can see behind this link, source and destination IP address make up the last two 32-bit values in the header. Among the other fields are some with 16 bits, some with 8 bits, and a few smaller chunks between 2 and 13 bits.
Assuming we have the following variables to stuff into our header:
my ($dscp, $ecn, $length,
$id, $flags, $frag_off,
$ttl, $proto,
Note that three fields from the header are missing:
We could try and use bit operations to construct e.g. the first 32 bits:
my $hdr = 4 << 28 | 5 << 24 | $dscp << 18 | $ecn << 16 | $length;
This approach only works up to the size of an integer though, which is usually 64 bits but can be as low as 32. Worse, it depends on the CPU's endianness so it will work on some CPUs and fail on others. Let's try pack()
my $hdr = pack('H2B8n', '45', sprintf("%06b%02b", $dscp, $ecn), $length);
The template first specifies H2
, a 2-character hex string, high nybble first. The corresponding argument to pack is "45"—version 4, length 5. The next template is B8
, an 8-bit bit string, descending bit order inside each byte. We need to use bit strings to control layout down to chunks smaller than a nybble (4 bits), so the sprintf()
is used to construct such a bit string from 6 bits from $dscp
and 2 from $ecn
. The last one is n
, an unsigned 16-bit value in Network Byte Order, i.e. always big-endian no matter what your CPU's native integer format is, and it is filled from $length
That's the first 32 bits of the header. The rest can be built similarly:
Template | Argument | Remarks |
n | $id | |
B16 | sprintf("%03b%013b", $flags, $frag_off) | Same as DSCP/ECN |
C2 | $ttl, $proto | Two consecutive unsigned octets |
n | 0 / $checksum | x could be used to insert a null byte but n lets us specify an argument should we choose to calculate a checksum |
N2 | $src_ip, $dst_ip | use a4a4 to pack the result of two gethostbyname() calls as it is in Network Byte Order already! |
So the complete call to pack an IPv4 header would be:
my $hdr = pack('H2B8n2B16C2nN2',
'45', sprintf("%06b%02b", $dscp, $ecn), $length,
$id, sprintf("%03b%013b", $flags, $frag_off),
$ttl, $proto, 0,
$src_ip, $dst_ip