Getting started with PHPVariablesArraysFunctional ProgrammingTypesAutoloading PrimerException Handling and Error ReportingWorking with Dates and TimeSending EmailSessionsCookiesClasses and ObjectsPassword Hashing FunctionsOutput BufferingJSONSOAP ClientReflectionUsing cURL in PHPDependency InjectionXMLRegular Expressions (regexp/PCRE)TraitsNamespacesParsing HTMLComposer Dependency ManagerMagic MethodsAlternative Syntax for Control StructuresFile handlingMagic ConstantsType hintingMulti Threading ExtensionFilters & Filter FunctionsGeneratorsOperatorsConstantsUTF-8URLsObject SerializationPHPDocContributing to the PHP ManualString ParsingLoopsControl StructuresSerializationClosureReading Request DataType juggling and Non-Strict Comparison IssuesSecurityPHP MySQLiCommand Line Interface (CLI)LocalizationDebuggingSuperglobal Variables PHPUnit TestingVariable ScopeReferencesCompilation of Errors and WarningsInstalling a PHP environment on WindowsDatetime ClassHeaders ManipulationPerformanceCommon ErrorsInstalling on Linux/Unix EnvironmentsContributing to the PHP CoreCoding ConventionsUsing MongoDBAsynchronous programmingUsing SQLSRVUnicode Support in PHPFunctionsCreate PDF files in PHPHow to Detect Client IP AddressYAML in PHPImage Processing with GDMultiprocessingSOAP ServerMachine learningCacheStreamsArray iterationCryptographyPDOSQLite3SocketsOutputting the Value of a VariableString formattingCompile PHP Extensionsmongo-phpManipulating an ArrayExecuting Upon an ArrayProcessing Multiple Arrays TogetherSPL data structuresCommentsIMAPUsing Redis with PHPImagickSimpleXMLHTTP AuthenticationRecipesBC Math (Binary Calculator)Docker deploymentWebSocketsAPCuDesign PatternsSecure Remeber Mephp mysqli affected rows returns 0 when it should return a positive integerPHP Built in serverHow to break down an URLPSR

Asynchronous programming

Other topics

Advantages of Generators

PHP 5.5 introduces Generators and the yield keyword, which allows us to write asynchronous code that looks more like synchronous code.

The yield expression is responsible for giving control back to the calling code and providing a point of resumption at that place. One can send a value along the yield instruction. The return value of this expression is either null or the value which was passed to Generator::send().

function reverse_range($i) {
    // the mere presence of the yield keyword in this function makes this a Generator
    do {
        // $i is retained between resumptions
        print yield $i;
    } while (--$i > 0);

$gen = reverse_range(5);
print $gen->current();
$gen->send("injected!"); // send also resumes the Generator

foreach ($gen as $val) { // loops over the Generator, resuming it upon each iteration
    echo $val;

// Output: 5injected!4321

This mechanism can be used by a coroutine implementation to wait for Awaitables yielded by the Generator (by registering itself as a callback for resolution) and continue execution of the Generator as soon as the Awaitable is resolved.

Using Icicle event loop

Icicle uses Awaitables and Generators to create Coroutines.

require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

use Icicle\Awaitable;
use Icicle\Coroutine\Coroutine;
use Icicle\Loop;

$generator = function (float $time) {
    try {
        // Sets $start to the value returned by microtime() after approx. $time seconds.
        $start = yield Awaitable\resolve(microtime(true))->delay($time);

        echo "Sleep time: ", microtime(true) - $start, "\n";

        // Throws the exception from the rejected awaitable into the coroutine.
        return yield Awaitable\reject(new Exception('Rejected awaitable'));
    } catch (Throwable $e) { // Catches awaitable rejection reason.
        echo "Caught exception: ", $e->getMessage(), "\n";

    return yield Awaitable\resolve('Coroutine completed');

// Coroutine sleeps for 1.2 seconds, then will resolve with a string.
$coroutine = new Coroutine($generator(1.2));
$coroutine->done(function (string $data) {
    echo $data, "\n";


Using Amp event loop

Amp harnesses Promises [another name for Awaitables] and Generators for coroutine creation.

require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

use Amp\Dns;

// Try our system defined resolver or googles, whichever is fastest
function queryStackOverflow($recordtype) {
    $requests = [
        Dns\query("", $recordtype),
        Dns\query("", $recordtype, ["server" => ""]),
    // returns a Promise resolving when the first one of the requests resolves
    return yield Amp\first($request);

\Amp\run(function() { // main loop, implicitly a coroutine
    try {
        // convert to coroutine with Amp\resolve()
        $promise = Amp\resolve(queryStackOverflow(Dns\Record::NS));
        list($ns, $type, $ttl) = // we need only one NS result, not all
            current(yield Amp\timeout($promise, 2000 /* milliseconds */));
        echo "The result of the fastest server to reply to our query was $ns";
    } catch (Amp\TimeoutException $e) {
        echo "We've heard no answer for 2 seconds! Bye!";
    } catch (Dns\NoRecordException $e) {
        echo "No NS records there? Stupid DNS nameserver!";

Spawning non-blocking processes with proc_open()

PHP has no support for running code concurrently unless you install extensions such as pthread. This can be sometimes bypassed by using proc_open() and stream_set_blocking() and reading their output asynchronously.

If we split code into smaller chunks we can run it as multiple suprocesses. Then using stream_set_blocking() function we can make each subprocess also non-blocking. This means we can spawn multiple subprocesses and then check for their output in a loop (similarly to an even loop) and wait until all of them finish.

As an example we can have a small subprocess that just runs a loop and in each iteration sleeps randomly for 100 - 1000ms (note, the delay is always the same for one subprocess).

// subprocess.php
$name = $argv[1];
$delay = rand(1, 10) * 100;
printf("$name delay: ${delay}ms\n");

for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) {
    usleep($delay * 1000);
    printf("$name: $i\n");

Then the main process will spawn subprocesses and read their output. We can split it into smaller blocks:

// non-blocking-proc_open.php
// File descriptors for each subprocess.
$descriptors = [
    0 => ['pipe', 'r'], // stdin
    1 => ['pipe', 'w'], // stdout

$pipes = [];
$processes = [];
foreach (range(1, 3) as $i) {
    // Spawn a subprocess.
    $proc = proc_open('php subprocess.php proc' . $i, $descriptors, $procPipes);
    $processes[$i] = $proc;
    // Make the subprocess non-blocking (only output pipe).
    stream_set_blocking($procPipes[1], 0);
    $pipes[$i] = $procPipes;

// Run in a loop until all subprocesses finish.
while (array_filter($processes, function($proc) { return proc_get_status($proc)['running']; })) {
    foreach (range(1, 3) as $i) {
        usleep(10 * 1000); // 100ms
        // Read all available output (unread output is buffered).
        $str = fread($pipes[$i][1], 1024);
        if ($str) {

// Close all pipes and processes.
foreach (range(1, 3) as $i) {

The output then contains mixture from all three subprocesses as they we're read by fread() (note, that in this case proc1 ended much earlier than the other two):

$ php non-blocking-proc_open.php 
proc1 delay: 200ms
proc2 delay: 1000ms
proc3 delay: 800ms
proc1: 0
proc1: 1
proc1: 2
proc1: 3
proc3: 0
proc1: 4
proc2: 0
proc3: 1
proc2: 1
proc3: 2
proc2: 2
proc3: 3
proc2: 3
proc3: 4
proc2: 4

Reading serial port with Event and DIO

DIO streams are currently not recognized by the Event extension. There is no clean way to obtain the file descriptor encapsulated into the DIO resource. But there is a workaround:

  • open stream for the port with fopen();
  • make the stream non-blocking with stream_set_blocking();
  • obtain numeric file descriptor from the stream with EventUtil::getSocketFd();
  • pass the numeric file descriptor to dio_fdopen() (currently undocumented) and get the DIO resource;
  • add an Event with a callback for listening to the read events on the file descriptor;
  • in the callback drain the available data and process it according to the logic of your application.


class Scanner {
  protected $port; // port path, e.g. /dev/pts/5
  protected $fd; // numeric file descriptor
  protected $base; // EventBase
  protected $dio; // dio resource
  protected $e_open; // Event
  protected $e_read; // Event

  public function __construct ($port) {
    $this->port = $port;
    $this->base = new EventBase();

  public function __destruct() {

    if ($this->e_open)
    if ($this->e_read)
    if ($this->dio)

  public function run() {
    $stream = fopen($this->port, 'rb');
    stream_set_blocking($stream, false);

    $this->fd = EventUtil::getSocketFd($stream);
    if ($this->fd < 0) {
      fprintf(STDERR, "Failed attach to port, events: %d\n", $events);

    $this->e_open = new Event($this->base, $this->fd, Event::WRITE, [$this, '_onOpen']);


  public function _onOpen($fd, $events) {

    $this->dio = dio_fdopen($this->fd);
    // Call other dio functions here, e.g.
    dio_tcsetattr($this->dio, [
      'baud' => 9600,
      'bits' => 8,
      'stop'  => 1,
      'parity' => 0

    $this->e_read = new Event($this->base, $this->fd, Event::READ | Event::PERSIST,
      [$this, '_onRead']);

  public function _onRead($fd, $events) {
    while ($data = dio_read($this->dio, 1)) {

// Change the port argument
$scanner = new Scanner('/dev/pts/5');


Run the following command in terminal A:

$ socat -d -d pty,raw,echo=0 pty,raw,echo=0
2016/12/01 18:04:06 socat[16750] N PTY is /dev/pts/5
2016/12/01 18:04:06 socat[16750] N PTY is /dev/pts/8
2016/12/01 18:04:06 socat[16750] N starting data transfer loop with FDs [5,5] and [7,7]

The output may be different. Use the PTYs from the first couple of rows (/dev/pts/5 and /dev/pts/8, in particular).

In terminal B run the above-mentioned script. You may need root privileges:

$ sudo php dio.php

In terminal C send a string to the first PTY:

$ echo test > /dev/pts/8


string(1) "t"
string(1) "e"
string(1) "s"
string(1) "t"
string(1) "

HTTP Client Based on Event Extension

This is a sample HTTP client class based on Event extension.

The class allows to schedule a number of HTTP requests, then run them asynchronously.


class MyHttpClient {
  /// @var EventBase
  protected $base;
  /// @var array Instances of EventHttpConnection
  protected $connections = [];

  public function __construct() {
    $this->base = new EventBase();

   * Dispatches all pending requests (events)
   * @return void
  public function run() {

  public function __destruct() {
    // Destroy connection objects explicitly, don't wait for GC.
    // Otherwise, EventBase may be free'd earlier.
    $this->connections = null;

   * @brief Adds a pending HTTP request
   * @param string $address Hostname, or IP
   * @param int $port Port number
   * @param array $headers Extra HTTP headers
   * @param int $cmd A EventHttpRequest::CMD_* constant
   * @param string $resource HTTP request resource, e.g. '/page?a=b&c=d'
   * @return EventHttpRequest|false
  public function addRequest($address, $port, array $headers,
    $cmd = EventHttpRequest::CMD_GET, $resource = '/')
    $conn = new EventHttpConnection($this->base, null, $address, $port);

    $req = new EventHttpRequest([$this, '_requestHandler'], $this->base);

    foreach ($headers as $k => $v) {
      $req->addHeader($k, $v, EventHttpRequest::OUTPUT_HEADER);
    $req->addHeader('Host', $address, EventHttpRequest::OUTPUT_HEADER);
    $req->addHeader('Connection', 'close', EventHttpRequest::OUTPUT_HEADER);
    if ($conn->makeRequest($req, $cmd, $resource)) {
      $this->connections []= $conn;
      return $req;

    return false;

   * @brief Handles an HTTP request
   * @param EventHttpRequest $req
   * @param mixed $unused
   * @return void
  public function _requestHandler($req, $unused) {
    if (is_null($req)) {
      echo "Timed out\n";
    } else {
      $response_code = $req->getResponseCode();

      if ($response_code == 0) {
        echo "Connection refused\n";
      } elseif ($response_code != 200) {
        echo "Unexpected response: $response_code\n";
      } else {
        echo "Success: $response_code\n";
        $buf = $req->getInputBuffer();
        echo "Body:\n";
        while ($s = $buf->readLine(EventBuffer::EOL_ANY)) {
          echo $s, PHP_EOL;

$address = "my-host.local";
$port = 80;
$headers = [ 'User-Agent' => 'My-User-Agent/1.0', ];

$client = new MyHttpClient();

// Add pending requests
for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) {
  $client->addRequest($address, $port, $headers,
    EventHttpRequest::CMD_GET, '/test.php?a=' . $i);

// Dispatch pending requests


This is a sample script on the server side.

echo 'GET: ', var_export($_GET, true), PHP_EOL;
echo 'User-Agent: ', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] ?? '(none)', PHP_EOL;


php http-client.php

Sample Output

Success: 200
GET: array (
  'a' => '1',
User-Agent: My-User-Agent/1.0
Success: 200
GET: array (
  'a' => '0',
User-Agent: My-User-Agent/1.0
Success: 200
GET: array (
  'a' => '3',


Note, the code is designed for long-term processing in the CLI SAPI.

HTTP Client Based on Ev Extension

This is a sample HTTP client based on Ev extension.

Ev extension implements a simple yet powerful general purpose event loop. It doesn't provide network-specific watchers, but its I/O watcher can be used for asynchronous processing of sockets.

The following code shows how HTTP requests can be scheduled for parallel processing.


class MyHttpRequest {
  /// @var MyHttpClient
  private $http_client;
  /// @var string
  private $address;
  /// @var string HTTP resource such as /page?get=param
  private $resource;
  /// @var string HTTP method such as GET, POST etc.
  private $method;
  /// @var int
  private $service_port;
  /// @var resource Socket
  private $socket;
  /// @var double Connection timeout in seconds.
  private $timeout = 10.;
  /// @var int Chunk size in bytes for socket_recv()
  private $chunk_size = 20;
  /// @var EvTimer
  private $timeout_watcher;
  /// @var EvIo
  private $write_watcher;
  /// @var EvIo
  private $read_watcher;
  /// @var EvTimer
  private $conn_watcher;
  /// @var string buffer for incoming data
  private $buffer;
  /// @var array errors reported by sockets extension in non-blocking mode.
  private static $e_nonblocking = [
    115, // EINPROGRESS

   * @param MyHttpClient $client
   * @param string $host Hostname, e.g.
   * @param string $resource HTTP resource, e.g. /page?a=b&c=d
   * @param string $method HTTP method: GET, HEAD, POST, PUT etc.
   * @throws RuntimeException
  public function __construct(MyHttpClient $client, $host, $resource, $method) {
    $this->http_client = $client;
    $this->host        = $host;
    $this->resource    = $resource;
    $this->method      = $method;

    // Get the port for the WWW service
    $this->service_port = getservbyname('www', 'tcp');

    // Get the IP address for the target host
    $this->address = gethostbyname($this->host);

    // Create a TCP/IP socket
    $this->socket = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP);
    if (!$this->socket) {
      throw new RuntimeException("socket_create() failed: reason: " .

    // Set O_NONBLOCK flag

    $this->conn_watcher = $this->http_client->getLoop()
      ->timer(0, 0., [$this, 'connect']);

  public function __destruct() {

  private function freeWatcher(&$w) {
    if ($w) {
      $w = null;

   * Deallocates all resources of the request
  private function close() {
    if ($this->socket) {
      $this->socket = null;


   * Initializes a connection on socket
   * @return bool
  public function connect() {
    $loop = $this->http_client->getLoop();

    $this->timeout_watcher = $loop->timer($this->timeout, 0., [$this, '_onTimeout']);
    $this->write_watcher = $loop->io($this->socket, Ev::WRITE, [$this, '_onWritable']);

    return socket_connect($this->socket, $this->address, $this->service_port);

   * Callback for timeout (EvTimer) watcher
  public function _onTimeout(EvTimer $w) {

   * Callback which is called when the socket becomes wriable
  public function _onWritable(EvIo $w) {

    $in = implode("\r\n", [
      "{$this->method} {$this->resource} HTTP/1.1",
      "Host: {$this->host}",
      'Connection: Close',
    ]) . "\r\n\r\n";

    if (!socket_write($this->socket, $in, strlen($in))) {
      trigger_error("Failed writing $in to socket", E_USER_ERROR);

    $loop = $this->http_client->getLoop();
    $this->read_watcher = $loop->io($this->socket,
      Ev::READ, [$this, '_onReadable']);

    // Continue running the loop

   * Callback which is called when the socket becomes readable
  public function _onReadable(EvIo $w) {
    // recv() 20 bytes in non-blocking mode
    $ret = socket_recv($this->socket, $out, 20, MSG_DONTWAIT);

    if ($ret) {
      // Still have data to read. Append the read chunk to the buffer.
      $this->buffer .= $out;
    } elseif ($ret === 0) {
      // All is read
      printf("\n<<<<\n%s\n>>>>", rtrim($this->buffer));

    if (in_array(socket_last_error(), static::$e_nonblocking)) {


class MyHttpClient {
  /// @var array Instances of MyHttpRequest
  private $requests = [];
  /// @var EvLoop
  private $loop;

  public function __construct() {
    // Each HTTP client runs its own event loop
    $this->loop = new EvLoop();

  public function __destruct() {

   * @return EvLoop
  public function getLoop() {
    return $this->loop;

   * Adds a pending request
  public function addRequest(MyHttpRequest $r) {
    $this->requests []= $r;

   * Dispatches all pending requests
  public function run() {

// Usage
$client = new MyHttpClient();
foreach (range(1, 10) as $i) {
  $client->addRequest(new MyHttpRequest($client, 'my-host.local', '/test.php?a=' . $i, 'GET'));


Suppose http://my-host.local/test.php script is printing the dump of $_GET:

echo 'GET: ', var_export($_GET, true), PHP_EOL;

Then the output of php http-client.php command will be similar to the following:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx/1.10.1
Date: Fri, 02 Dec 2016 12:39:54 GMT
Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Connection: close
X-Powered-By: PHP/7.0.13-pl0-gentoo

GET: array (
  'a' => '3',

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx/1.10.1
Date: Fri, 02 Dec 2016 12:39:54 GMT
Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Connection: close
X-Powered-By: PHP/7.0.13-pl0-gentoo

GET: array (
  'a' => '2',



Note, in PHP 5 the sockets extension may log warnings for EINPROGRESS, EAGAIN, and EWOULDBLOCK errno values. It is possible to turn off the logs with



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