Getting started with PHPVariablesArraysFunctional ProgrammingTypesAutoloading PrimerException Handling and Error ReportingWorking with Dates and TimeSending EmailSessionsCookiesClasses and ObjectsPassword Hashing FunctionsOutput BufferingJSONSOAP ClientReflectionUsing cURL in PHPDependency InjectionXMLRegular Expressions (regexp/PCRE)TraitsNamespacesParsing HTMLComposer Dependency ManagerMagic MethodsAlternative Syntax for Control StructuresFile handlingMagic ConstantsType hintingMulti Threading ExtensionFilters & Filter FunctionsGeneratorsOperatorsConstantsUTF-8URLsObject SerializationPHPDocContributing to the PHP ManualString ParsingLoopsControl StructuresSerializationClosureReading Request DataType juggling and Non-Strict Comparison IssuesSecurityPHP MySQLiCommand Line Interface (CLI)LocalizationDebuggingSuperglobal Variables PHPUnit TestingVariable ScopeReferencesCompilation of Errors and WarningsInstalling a PHP environment on WindowsDatetime ClassHeaders ManipulationPerformanceCommon ErrorsInstalling on Linux/Unix EnvironmentsContributing to the PHP CoreCoding ConventionsUsing MongoDBAsynchronous programmingUsing SQLSRVUnicode Support in PHPFunctionsCreate PDF files in PHPHow to Detect Client IP AddressYAML in PHPImage Processing with GDMultiprocessingSOAP ServerMachine learningCacheStreamsArray iterationCryptographyPDOSQLite3SocketsOutputting the Value of a VariableString formattingCompile PHP Extensionsmongo-phpManipulating an ArrayExecuting Upon an ArrayProcessing Multiple Arrays TogetherSPL data structuresCommentsIMAPUsing Redis with PHPImagickSimpleXMLHTTP AuthenticationRecipesBC Math (Binary Calculator)Docker deploymentWebSocketsAPCuDesign PatternsSecure Remeber Mephp mysqli affected rows returns 0 when it should return a positive integerPHP Built in serverHow to break down an URLPSR


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"PHPDoc" is a section of documentation which provides information on aspects of a "Structural Element" — PSR-5

PHPDoc annotations are comments that provide metadata about all types of structures in PHP. Many popular IDEs are configured by default to utilize PHPDoc annotations to provide code insights and identify possible problems before they arise.

While PHPDoc annotations are not part of the PHP core, they currently hold draft status with PHP-FIG as PSR-5.

All PHPDoc annotations are contained within DocBlocks that are demonstrated by a multi-line with two asterisks:


The full PHP-FIG standards draft is available on GitHub.

Adding metadata to functions

Function level annotations help IDEs identify return values or potentially dangerous code

 * Adds two numbers together.
 * @param Int $a First parameter to add
 * @param Int $b Second parameter to add
 * @return Int
function sum($a, $b)
    return (int) $a + $b;

 * Don't run me! I will always raise an exception.
 * @throws Exception Always
function dangerousCode()
    throw new Exception('Ouch, that was dangerous!');

 * Old structures should be deprecated so people know not to use them.
 * @deprecated
function oldCode()
    mysql_connect(/* ... */);

Adding metadata to files

File level metadata applies to all the code within the file and should be placed at the top of the file:


 * @author John Doe ([email protected])
 * @copyright MIT

Inheriting metadata from parent structures

If a class extends another class and would use the same metadata, providing it @inheritDoc is a simple way for use the same documentation. If multiple classes inherit from a base, only the base would need to be changed for the children to be affected.

abstract class FooBase
     * @param Int $a First parameter to add
     * @param Int $b Second parameter to add
     * @return Int
    public function sum($a, $b) {}

class ConcreteFoo extends FooBase
     * @inheritDoc
    public function sum($a, $b)
        return $a + $b;

Describing a variable

The @var keyword can be used to describe the type and usage of:

  • a class property
  • a local or global variable
  • a class or global constant
class Example {
    /** @var string This is something that stays the same */
    const UNCHANGING = "Untouchable";

    /** @var string $some_str This is some string */
    public $some_str;

     * @var array $stuff    This is a collection of stuff
     * @var array $nonsense These are nonsense
    private $stuff, $nonsense;


The type can be one of the built-in PHP types, or a user-defined class, including namespaces.

The name of the variable should be included, but can be omitted if the docblock applies to only one item.

Describing parameters

 * Parameters
 * @param  int    $int
 * @param  string $string
 * @param  array  $array
 * @param  bool   $bool
function demo_param($int, $string, $array, $bool)

 * Parameters - Optional / Defaults
 * @param  int    $int
 * @param  string $string
 * @param  array  $array
 * @param  bool   $bool
function demo_param_optional($int = 5, $string = 'foo', $array = [], $bool = false)

 * Parameters - Arrays
 * @param array          $mixed
 * @param int[]          $integers
 * @param string[]       $strings
 * @param bool[]         $bools
 * @param string[]|int[] $strings_or_integers
function demo_param_arrays($mixed,$integers, $strings, $bools, $strings_or_integers)

 * Parameters - Complex
 * @param array $config 
 * <pre>
 * $params = [
 *         'hostname'     => (string) DB hostname. Required.
 *         'database'     => (string) DB name. Required.
 *         'username'     => (string) DB username. Required.
 * ]
 * </pre>
function demo_param_complex($config)


PSR-5 proposes a form of Generics-style notation for collections.

Generics Syntax

Type<Type[, Type]...>

Values in a Collection MAY even be another array and even another Collection.

Type<Type<Type[, Type]...>>



 * @var ArrayObject<string> $name 
$name = new ArrayObject(['a', 'b']);

 * @var ArrayObject<int> $name 
$name = new ArrayObject([1, 2]);

 * @var ArrayObject<stdClass> $name 
$name = new ArrayObject([
    new stdClass(), 
    new stdClass()

 * @var ArrayObject<string|int|stdClass|bool> $name 
$name = new ArrayObject([
    new stdClass(), 

 * @var ArrayObject<ArrayObject<int>> $name 
$name = new ArrayObject([
    new ArrayObject([1, 2]), 
    new ArrayObject([1, 2])

 * @var ArrayObject<int, string> $name 
$name = new ArrayObject([
    1 => 'a', 
    2 => 'b'

 * @var ArrayObject<string, int> $name 
$name = new ArrayObject([
    'a' => 1, 
    'b' => 2

 * @var ArrayObject<string, stdClass> $name 
$name = new ArrayObject([
    'a' => new stdClass(), 
    'b' => new stdClass()


  • @api
  • @author [name] [<email address>]
  • @copyright <description>
  • @deprecated [<"Semantic Version">][:<"Semantic Version">] [<description>]
  • @example [URI] [<description>]
  • {@example [URI] [:<start>..<end>]}
  • @inheritDoc
  • @internal
  • {@internal [description]}}
  • @license [<SPDX identifier>|URI] [name]
  • @method [return "Type"] [name](["Type"] [parameter], [...]) [description]
  • @package [level 1]\[level 2]\[etc.]
  • @param ["Type"] [name] [<description>]
  • @property ["Type"] [name] [<description>]
  • @return <"Type"> [description]
  • @see [URI | "FQSEN"] [<description>]
  • @since [<"Semantic Version">] [<description>]
  • @throws ["Type"] [<description>]
  • @todo [description]
  • @uses [file | "FQSEN"] [<description>]
  • @var ["Type"] [element_name] [<description>]
  • @version ["Semantic Version"] [<description>]
  • @filesource - Includes current file in phpDocumentor parsing results
  • @link [URI] [<description>] - Link tag helps to define relation or link between structural elements.


Topic Id: 1881

Example Ids: 6140,6141,6142,6364,7064,21454

This site is not affiliated with any of the contributors.