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If/Else Statement in Pug

Conditionals in Pug can evaluate statements in a manner similar to JavaScript. You can evaluate variables created in Pug, or those passed to it by your route (res.render, pug.renderFile, etc).


var authorized = true
res.render("index", {
    authorized: authorized


- var showLogin = false;
if authorized && showLogin === true
    .welcome Welcome back to our website!
        a(href="/login") Login

index.pug output

<div class="login"><a href="/login">Login</a></div>

If/Else Statement in Pug (with a dash)

You can choose to prepend an if or else operator with a dash, but it is not necessary. You will need to wrap the statement in parentheses, though (if you omit a dash, you do not need parentheses.)

- var showLogin = false;
- if (showLogin === true)
    .welcome Welcome back to our website!
- else
        a(href="/login") Login

index.pug output

<div class="login"><a href="/login">Login</a></div>

Else If Statement

You can chain any number of else if statements to an existing if statement, to evaluate a sequence of statements.


- var page = 60;
if page => 52
    h1 Lots of numbers!
else if page > 26 && page < 52
    h1 A few numbers
    h1 Not a lot of numbers

index.pug output

<h1>Lots of numbers!</h1>

Unless Operator

unless is the inverse operation of if in Pug. It is analogous to if !(statement).


- var likesCookies = true;
unless likesCookies === true
    h2 You don't like cookies :(
    h2 You like cookies!

index.pug output

<h1>You like cookies!</h1>

Note: else unless statements do not work with unless; you can chain an else if statement to an unless statement, but else unless does not work.


  • if (statement)

    // Pug code
  • else if (statement)

    // Pug code
  • else

    // Pug code
  • unless (statement)

    // Pug code


if (statement)Evaluates statement to see if it returns true or false. The code nested underneath if will run only if statement returns true.
else if (statement)Chained to an existing if or else if statement; it only runs if the previous statement evaluated to false. The code nested underneath the else if statement will run only if statement evaluates to true.
elseThe code nested underneath the else statement will run only if all previous statements returned false.
unless (statement)The negation of if (statement); the code nested underneath if will run only if statement returns false. It is the same as if (!statement).


Topic Id: 9662

Example Ids: 29821,29822,29823,29824

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