Getting started with pug

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Pug is a high performance, robust, elegant, feature rich template engine. It was influenced by Haml and implemented with JavaScript for Node.js and browsers. Implementations exists for Laravel, PHP Scala, Ruby, Python and Java.

It features:

Pug was previously known under the Jade name but has been renamed because of a registered trademark case.

This remark section should also mention any large subjects within pug, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for pug is new, you may need to create initial versions of those related topics.

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VersionRelease Date


To install the Pug template rendering system, follow these steps:

  1. Have the Node.js environment installed on your machine
  2. Run npm install pug --save to install the pug module to your current project.

You can now use pug in your project through the standard require mechanism:

const pug = require("pug");

If you are using Express in your application, you do not need to require("pug"). However, you must set the view engine property of your Express application to pug.

app.set("view engine", "pug");

Further, you must set the view directory of your app so that Express knows where to look for your Pug files (for compilation).

app.set("views", "path/to/views");

Within your Express route, you can then render your Pug files by calling the res.render function with the path of the file (starting from the directory set by the app.set("views") option).

app.get("/", function (req, res, next) {
    // Your route code
    var locals = {
        title: "Home",
    res.render("index", locals);

In the above, index points to a file located at views/index.pug, and locals represents an object of variables that are exposed to your file. As will be explained in later sections, Pug can access variables passed to it and perform a variety of actions (conditionals, interpolation, iteration, and more).

Hello World Example

First, let's create a template to be rendered!

p Hello World, #{name}!

Save this in a file ending with the .pug extension (you can call it anything you like, but we will use view.pug in the following code to compile it).

All that's left to do, now, is compile that template! Create a JS script file (we'll call ours main.js), and add the following content:

// Import the pug module
const pug = require('pug');

// Compile the template (with the data not yet inserted)
const templateCompiler = pug.compileFile('view.pug');

// Insert your data into the template file
console.log(templateCompiler({ name: 'John' });

When you run this file with npm main.js, you should get the following HTML code output in your console:

<p>Hello World, John!</p>

Congratulations, you just created and compiled your first template! On to more advanced stuff, such as Conditionals, Iteration, and much more!


Topic Id: 8613

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