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Shallow Routing

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1. Use of shallow

One way to avoid deep nesting (as recommended above) is to generate the collection actions scoped under the parent, so as to get a sense of the hierarchy, but to not nest the member actions. In other words, to only build routes with the minimal amount of information to uniquely identify the resource, like this:

resources :articles, shallow: true do
  resources :comments
  resources :quotes
  resources :drafts

The shallow method of the DSL creates a scope inside of which every nesting is shallow. This generates the same routes as the previous example:

shallow do
  resources :articles do
    resources :comments
    resources :quotes
    resources :drafts

There exist two options for scope to customize shallow routes. :shallow_path prefixes member paths with the specified parameter:

scope shallow_path: "sekret" do
  resources :articles do
    resources :comments, shallow: true

Use Rake Command for get generated routes as define below:

rake routes


Topic Id: 7775

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