Please feel free to reach out to us and we will try to help as much as possible.
We got the hive2 jars first and made it working on through java to check the connectivity. Then we realized the jars to be used are :
If you are using SOLR Cloud then these jars are to be transferred to the VM where SOLR is installed and then referenced in solrconfig.xml like this:
Import Part in solrconfig.xml
< lib dir="/users/path_to_folder_with_jar" regex=".*.jar" />
Then this is the most important part: Your hive connection string:
Connection Part
< dataConfig > < dataSource name="ABC" driver="org.apache.hive.jdbc.HiveDriver" url="jdbc:hive2://....connectionString" user="username" password="password" />
< document name="collection_name">
< entity name="collection_lookup" query="select unique_key as id from table_name">
< /entity>
< /document>
< /dataConfig>
Push config through zookeeper
server/scripts/cloud-scripts/ -zkhost host1:2181,host2:2181 -cmd upconfig -confname configName -confdir server/solr/configsets/folder/
Go to http://host:8983/solr/#/collection_name/dataimport//dataimport then check debug and first check with 10 or 20 records.
You will see the data flowing. CHEERS !! I can help if you want to discuss further but I am assuming this should do. It is working for me.