Lucene Query Syntax

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Proximity search

name:"john doe"~1

Searches for multiple terms within a specific term distance (~1), i.e will find text containing john anonymous doe but not john second name doe

Basic search


Searches for a single term (joe) in a single field (name)

Boolean search

+firstname:john +surname:doe

Matches documents where firstname is john and surname is doe. + predix indicates that the search term must occur (AND).

+firstname:john -surname:doe

Matches documents where firstname is john and surname is not doe. - predix indicates that the search term must not occur (NOT).

+firstname:john surname:(doe bloggs)

Matches documents where firstname is john and surname is either doe or bloggs. No prefix indicates that the surname should occur (OR)

Phrase search

name:"john doe"

Searches for multiple terms in specific order.

Boosting search terms

name:(john doe^5)

The ^ indicator can be used to boost a search term to increase it's relevance level meaning that documents containing doe are more relevant than ones containing john

Wildcard search


The * indicator allows you to do a wildcard search matching 0 or more characters after the search term john, will return documents containing john, johnson, john's, johnny and so on.


The ? indicator allows you to do a wildcard search with a single character in the search term, will return documents containing doe, dog, dot and so on.

Range search

age:[50 TO 60]

Matches documents where age is between 50 and 60 including 50 and 60

age:{50 TO 60}

Matches documents where age is between 50 and 60 excluding 50 and 60

age:[* TO 60]

Matches documents where age is less than or equal to 60

age:[50 TO *]

Matches documents where age is greater than or equal to 50

age:{50 to 60]

You can mix curly and square brackets. Matches documents where age is greather than 50 but less than or equal to 60

Join across cores

{!join from=personid to=id fromIndex=AddressCore}address:Address1

So if you have two cores that look like this:

PersonCore - id, name

AddressCore - id, address, personid

This will find all PersonCore documents at a specific address


Topic Id: 2242

Example Ids: 7336,7337,7338,7339,7340,7341,7342,9548

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