Trim is used to remove write-space at the beginning or end of selection
In MSSQL there is no single TRIM()
SELECT LTRIM(' Hello ') --returns 'Hello '
SELECT RTRIM(' Hello ') --returns ' Hello'
SELECT LTRIM(RTRIM(' Hello ')) --returns 'Hello'
MySql and Oracle
SELECT TRIM(' Hello ') --returns 'Hello'
In (standard ANSI/ISO) SQL, the operator for string concatenation is ||
. This syntax is supported by all major databases except SQL Server:
SELECT 'Hello' || 'World' || '!'; --returns HelloWorld!
Many databases support a CONCAT
function to join strings:
SELECT CONCAT('Hello', 'World'); --returns 'HelloWorld'
Some databases support using CONCAT
to join more than two strings (Oracle does not):
SELECT CONCAT('Hello', 'World', '!'); --returns 'HelloWorld!'
In some databases, non-string types must be cast or converted:
SELECT CONCAT('Foo', CAST(42 AS VARCHAR(5)), 'Bar'); --returns 'Foo42Bar'
Some databases (e.g., Oracle) perform implicit lossless conversions. For example, a CONCAT
on a CLOB
yields a NCLOB
on a number and a varchar2
results in a varchar2
, etc.:
SELECT CONCAT(CONCAT('Foo', 42), 'Bar') FROM dual; --returns Foo42Bar
Some databases can use the non-standard +
operator (but in most, +
works only for numbers):
SELECT 'Foo' + CAST(42 AS VARCHAR(5)) + 'Bar';
On SQL Server < 2012, where CONCAT
is not supported, +
is the only way to join strings.
SELECT UPPER('HelloWorld') --returns 'HELLOWORLD'
SELECT LOWER('HelloWorld') --returns 'helloworld'
Syntax is: SUBSTRING ( string_expression, start, length )
. Note that SQL strings are 1-indexed.
SELECT SUBSTRING('Hello', 1, 2) --returns 'He'
SELECT SUBSTRING('Hello', 3, 3) --returns 'llo'
This is often used in conjunction with the LEN()
function to get the last n
characters of a string of unknown length.
DECLARE @str1 VARCHAR(10) = 'Hello', @str2 VARCHAR(10) = 'FooBarBaz';
SELECT SUBSTRING(@str1, LEN(@str1) - 2, 3) --returns 'llo'
SELECT SUBSTRING(@str2, LEN(@str2) - 2, 3) --returns 'Baz'
Splits a string expression using a character separator. Note that STRING_SPLIT()
is a table-valued function.
SELECT value FROM STRING_SPLIT('Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.', ' ');
Stuff a string into another, replacing 0 or more characters at a certain position.
Note: start
position is 1-indexed (you start indexing at 1, not 0).
STUFF ( character_expression , start , length , replaceWith_expression )
SELECT STUFF('FooBarBaz', 4, 3, 'Hello') --returns 'FooHelloBaz'
SQL Server
The LEN doesn't count the trailing space.
SELECT LEN('Hello') -- returns 5
SELECT LEN('Hello '); -- returns 5
The DATALENGTH counts the trailing space.
SELECT DATALENGTH('Hello') -- returns 5
SELECT DATALENGTH('Hello '); -- returns 6
It should be noted though, that DATALENGTH returns the length of the underlying byte representation of the string, which depends, i.a., on the charset used to store the string.
DECLARE @str varchar(100) = 'Hello ' --varchar is usually an ASCII string, occupying 1 byte per char
SELECT DATALENGTH(@str) -- returns 6
DECLARE @nstr nvarchar(100) = 'Hello ' --nvarchar is a unicode string, occupying 2 bytes per char
SELECT DATALENGTH(@nstr) -- returns 12
Syntax: Length ( char )
SELECT Length('Bible') FROM dual; --Returns 5
SELECT Length('righteousness') FROM dual; --Returns 13
SELECT Length(NULL) FROM dual; --Returns NULL
See Also: LengthB, LengthC, Length2, Length4
String to search ,
String to search for and replace ,
String to place into the original string )
SELECT REPLACE( 'Peter Steve Tom', 'Steve', 'Billy' ) --Return Values: Peter Billy Tom
Syntax is:
LEFT ( string-expression , integer )
RIGHT ( string-expression , integer )
SELECT LEFT('Hello',2) --return He
SELECT RIGHT('Hello',2) --return lo
Oracle SQL doesn't have LEFT and RIGHT functions. They can be emulated with SUBSTR and LENGTH.
SUBSTR ( string-expression, 1, integer )
SUBSTR ( string-expression, length(string-expression)-integer+1, integer)
SELECT SUBSTR('Hello',1,2) --return He
SELECT SUBSTR('Hello',LENGTH('Hello')-2+1,2) --return lo
Syntax is: REVERSE ( string-expression )
SELECT REVERSE('Hello') --returns olleH
function concatenates a string with itself a specified number of times.
Syntax is: REPLICATE ( string-expression , integer )
SELECT REPLICATE ('Hello',4) --returns 'HelloHelloHelloHello'
Checks if a string matches a regular expression (defined by another string).
SELECT 'bedded' REGEXP '[a-f]' -- returns True
SELECT 'beam' REGEXP '[a-f]' -- returns False
The Replace function in SQL is used to update the content of a string. The function call is REPLACE( ) for MySQL, Oracle, and SQL Server.
The syntax of the Replace function is:
REPLACE (str, find, repl)
The following example replaces occurrences of South
with Southern
in Employees table:
FirstName | Address |
James | South New York |
John | South Boston |
Michael | South San Diego |
Select Statement :
If we apply the following Replace function:
REPLACE (Address, 'South', 'Southern') Address
FROM Employees
ORDER BY FirstName
FirstName | Address |
James | Southern New York |
John | Southern Boston |
Michael | Southern San Diego |
Update Statement :
We can use a replace function to make permanent changes in our table through following approach.
Update Employees
Set city = (Address, 'South', 'Southern');
A more common approach is to use this in conjunction with a WHERE clause like this:
Update Employees
Set Address = (Address, 'South', 'Southern')
Where Address LIKE 'South%';
PARSENAME function returns the specific part of given string(object name). object name may contains string like object name,owner name, database name and server name.
To get object name use part index 1
SELECT PARSENAME('ServerName.DatabaseName.SchemaName.ObjectName',1) // returns `ObjectName`
SELECT PARSENAME('[1012-1111]',1) // returns `Student`
To get schema name use part index 2
SELECT PARSENAME('ServerName.DatabaseName.SchemaName.ObjectName',2) // returns `SchemaName`
SELECT PARSENAME('[1012-1111]',2) // returns `school`
To get database name use part index 3
SELECT PARSENAME('ServerName.DatabaseName.SchemaName.ObjectName',3) // returns `DatabaseName`
SELECT PARSENAME('[1012-1111]',3) // returns `SchoolDatabase`
To get server name use part index 4
SELECT PARSENAME('ServerName.DatabaseName.SchemaName.ObjectName',4) // returns `ServerName`
SELECT PARSENAME('[1012-1111]',4) // returns `[1012-1111]`
PARSENAME will returns null is specified part is not present in given object name string
Return the index of the first occurrence of a substring (zero if not found)
Syntax: INSTR ( string, substring )
SELECT INSTR('FooBarBar', 'Bar') -- return 4
SELECT INSTR('FooBarBar', 'Xar') -- return 0