TRUNCATE is a DDL (Data Definition Language) command, and as such there are significant differences between it and DELETE (a Data Manipulation Language, DML, command). While TRUNCATE can be a means of quickly removing large volumes of records from a database, these differences should be understood in order to decide if using a TRUNCATE command is suitable in your particular situation.
Using truncate table is often better then using DELETE TABLE as it ignores all the indexes and triggers and just removes everything.
Delete table is a row based operation this means that each row is deleted. Truncate table is a data page operation the entire data page is reallocated. If you have a table with a million rows it will be much faster to truncate the table than it would be to use a delete table statement.
Though we can delete specific Rows with DELETE, we cannot TRUNCATE specific rows, we can only TRUNCATE all the records at once. Deleting All rows and then inserting a new record will continue to add the Auto incremented Primary key value from the previously inserted value, where as in Truncate, the Auto Incremental primary key value will also get reset and starts from 1.
Note that when truncating table, no foreign keys must be present, otherwise you will get an error.