Replace the first instance of foo with bar on the current line.
Replace every instance of foo with bar on the current line.
Replace foo with bar throughout the entire file.
* on the word you want to substitute.
, leaving the find pattern empty.
Marks the first instance of foo on the line and asks for confirmation for substitution with bar
Marks consecutively every match of foo in the file and asks for confirmation for substitution with bar
For example, with following nmap
nmap <expr> <S-F6> ':%s/' . @/ . '//gc<LEFT><LEFT><LEFT>'
select a word with *, type Shift-F6, type in a replacement and hit Enter to rename all occurrences interactively.
is a RegexFlag | Meaning |
& | Keep the flags from the previous substitute. |
c | Prompt to confirm each substitution. |
e | Do not report errors. |
g | Replace all occurrences in the line. |
i | Case-insensitive matching. |
I | Case-sensitive matching. |
n | Report the number of matches, do not actually substitute. |