Files and I/O streams

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The Ada standard library provides for I/O of traditional files of text or binary data, as well as I/O of streamed files. Files of binary data will be sequences of values of a type, while stream files can be sequences of values of possibly different types.

To read and write elements of different types from/to stream files, Ada uses subprograms denoted by types' attributes, namely 'Read, 'Write, 'Input, and 'Output. The latter two will read and write array bounds, record discriminants, and type tags, in addition to the bare input and output that Read and 'Write will perform.

Create and write to file

The procedures Create, Put_Line, Close from the package Ada.Text_IO is used to create and write to the file file.txt.

with Ada.Text_IO;

procedure Main is
   use Ada.Text_IO;
   F : File_Type;
   Create (F, Out_File, "file.txt");
   Put_Line (F, "This string will be written to the file file.txt");
   Close (F);

Resulting file file.txt

This string will be written to the file.txt

Create And Write To A Stream

The subtypes' stream-oriented attributes are called to write objects to a file, bare and using binary default representations.

with Ada.Streams.Stream_IO;

procedure Main is
   type Fruit is (Banana, Orange, Pear);
   type Color_Value is range 0 .. 255;
   type Color is record
      R, G, B : Color_Value;
   end record;

   Fruit_Colors : constant array (Fruit) of Color :=
     (Banana => Color'(R => 243, G => 227, B => 18),
      Orange => Color'(R => 251, G => 130, B => 51),
      Pear   => Color'(R => 158, G => 181, B => 94));

   use Ada.Streams.Stream_IO;

   F : File_Type;

   Create (F, Name => "file.bin");
   for C in Fruit_Colors'Range loop
      Fruit'Write (Stream (F), C);
      Color'Write (Stream (F), Fruit_Colors (C));
   end loop;
   Close (F);
end Main;

Resulting File

00000000  00 2e f3 00 e3 00 12 00  01 2e fb 00 82 00 33 00
00000010  02 2e 9e 00 b5 00 5e 00                         

Open And Read From Stream File

Read the data of Create And Write To A Stream back into a program.

with Ada.Streams.Stream_IO;

procedure Main is
   --  ... same type definitions as in referenced example
   Fruit_Colors : array (Fruit) of Color;

   use Ada.Streams.Stream_IO;

   F : File_Type;
   X : Fruit;
   Open (F, Mode => In_File, Name => "file.bin");
      Fruit'Read (Stream (F), X);
      Color'Read (Stream (F), Fruit_Colors (X));
   end loop;
   when End_Error =>
      Close (F);
   pragma Assert  -- check data are the same
     (Fruit_Colors (Banana) = Color'(R => 243, G => 227, B => 18) and
      Fruit_Colors (Orange) = Color'(R => 251, G => 130, B => 51) and
      Fruit_Colors (Pear)   = Color'(R => 158, G => 181, B => 94));
end Main;


Topic Id: 8865

Example Ids: 27610,27909,28406

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