Note how each time a generic package is instantiated with a numeric type. Also, there are both defaults to be set for the whole instance, and also ways to override Width
, say, when calling Put
with this parameter.
Instances of Integer_IO
have a settings variable Default_Width
which the number of characters that each output number will take.
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
procedure Print_Integer is
subtype Count is Integer range -1_000_000 .. 1_000_000;
package Count_IO is new Integer_IO (Count);
X : Count;
Count_IO.Default_Width := 12;
X := Count'First;
while X < Count'Last loop
Count_IO.Put (X);
Count_IO.Put (X + 1);
X := X + 500_000;
end loop;
end Print_Integer;
A settings variable Default_Base
is set on the instance of Ada.Text_IO.Integer_IO
; also, Default_Width
is set so that output cannot have leading space.
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
procedure Print_Hex is
subtype Count is Integer range -1_000_000 .. 1_000_000;
package Count_IO is new Integer_IO (Count);
X : Count;
Count_IO.Default_Width := 1;
Count_IO.Default_Base := 16;
X := Count'First;
while X < Count'Last loop
Count_IO.Put (X);
X := X + 500_000;
end loop;
end Print_Hex;
offers formatting decimal fixed point values using “picture strings”. These describe output using “magical” characters for separators, currency signs, etc.
with Ada.Text_IO.Editing; use Ada.Text_IO;
procedure Print_Value is
Max_Count : constant := 1_000_000;
type Fruit is (Banana, Orange, Pear);
subtype Count is Integer range -Max_Count .. +Max_Count;
type Money is delta 0.001 digits 10;
package Fruit_IO is new Enumeration_IO (Fruit);
package Money_IO is new Editing.Decimal_Output
Default_Currency => "CHF",
Default_Separator => ''');
Inventory : constant array (Fruit) of Count :=
(Banana => +27_420,
Orange => +140_600,
Pear => -10_000);
Price_List : constant array (Fruit) of Money :=
(Banana => 0.07,
Orange => 0.085,
Pear => 0.21);
Format : constant Editing.Picture :=
Editing.To_Picture ("<###BZ_ZZZ_ZZ9.99>");
Fruit_IO.Default_Width := 12;
for F in Inventory'Range loop
Fruit_IO.Put (F);
Put (" | ");
Money_IO.Put (Item => Inventory (F) * Price_List (F),
Pic => Format);
end loop;
end Print_Value;
BANANA | CHF 1'919.40
ORANGE | CHF 11'951.00
PEAR | (CHF 2'100.00)
Combine the instances of the _IO
packages, use the right one with its numeric type.
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
procedure Print_Inventory is
type Fruit is (Banana, Orange, Pear);
subtype Count is Integer range -1_000_000 .. 1_000_000;
package Fruit_IO is new Enumeration_IO (Fruit);
package Count_IO is new Integer_IO (Count);
Inventory : constant array (Fruit) of Count :=
(Banana => 27_420,
Orange => 140_600,
Pear => -10_000);
Fruit_IO.Default_Width := 12;
for F in Inventory'Range loop
Fruit_IO.Put (F);
Put (" | ");
Count_IO.Put (Inventory (F));
end loop;
end Print_Inventory;
BANANA | 27420
ORANGE | 140600
PEAR | -10000