Outputting numbers

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Note how each time a generic package is instantiated with a numeric type. Also, there are both defaults to be set for the whole instance, and also ways to override Width, say, when calling Put with this parameter.

Print integers, generously using space

Instances of Integer_IO have a settings variable Default_Width which the number of characters that each output number will take.

with Ada.Text_IO;   use Ada.Text_IO;

procedure Print_Integer is
    subtype Count is Integer range -1_000_000 .. 1_000_000;

    package Count_IO is new Integer_IO (Count);
    X : Count;
    Count_IO.Default_Width := 12;

    X := Count'First;
    while X < Count'Last loop
        Count_IO.Put (X);
        Count_IO.Put (X + 1);

        X := X + 500_000;
    end loop;
end Print_Integer;



Print Integers, Using Base 16 (Hexadecimal)

A settings variable Default_Base is set on the instance of Ada.Text_IO.Integer_IO; also, Default_Width is set so that output cannot have leading space.

with Ada.Text_IO;   use Ada.Text_IO;

procedure Print_Hex is
    subtype Count is Integer range -1_000_000 .. 1_000_000;

    package Count_IO is new Integer_IO (Count);
    X : Count;
    Count_IO.Default_Width := 1;
    Count_IO.Default_Base := 16;

    X := Count'First;
    while X < Count'Last loop
        Count_IO.Put (X);

        X := X + 500_000;
    end loop;
end Print_Hex;



Print Decimal Fixed Point Numbers, aka Money

Ada.Text_IO.Editing offers formatting decimal fixed point values using “picture strings”. These describe output using “magical” characters for separators, currency signs, etc.

with Ada.Text_IO.Editing;   use Ada.Text_IO;

procedure Print_Value is

    Max_Count      : constant := 1_000_000;

    type Fruit is (Banana, Orange, Pear);
    subtype Count is Integer range -Max_Count .. +Max_Count;

    type Money is delta 0.001 digits 10;

    package Fruit_IO is new Enumeration_IO (Fruit);
    package Money_IO is new Editing.Decimal_Output
       Default_Currency => "CHF",
       Default_Separator => ''');

    Inventory : constant array (Fruit) of Count :=
      (Banana => +27_420,
       Orange => +140_600,
       Pear   => -10_000);

    Price_List : constant array (Fruit) of Money :=
      (Banana => 0.07,
       Orange => 0.085,
       Pear   => 0.21);

    Format : constant Editing.Picture :=
      Editing.To_Picture ("<###BZ_ZZZ_ZZ9.99>");
    Fruit_IO.Default_Width := 12;

    for F in Inventory'Range loop
        Fruit_IO.Put (F);
        Put          (" | ");
        Money_IO.Put (Item => Inventory (F) * Price_List (F),
                      Pic => Format);
    end loop;
end Print_Value;


BANANA       |  CHF     1'919.40 
ORANGE       |  CHF    11'951.00 
PEAR         | (CHF     2'100.00)

Print Multiple Items On One Line

Combine the instances of the _IO packages, use the right one with its numeric type.

with Ada.Text_IO;   use Ada.Text_IO;

procedure Print_Inventory is
    type Fruit is (Banana, Orange, Pear);
    subtype Count is Integer range -1_000_000 .. 1_000_000;

    package Fruit_IO is new Enumeration_IO (Fruit);
    package Count_IO is new Integer_IO (Count);

    Inventory : constant array (Fruit) of Count :=
      (Banana => 27_420,
       Orange => 140_600,
       Pear   => -10_000);

    Fruit_IO.Default_Width := 12;

    for F in Inventory'Range loop
        Fruit_IO.Put (F);
        Put          (" | ");
        Count_IO.Put (Inventory (F));
    end loop;
end Print_Inventory;


BANANA       |    27420
ORANGE       |   140600
PEAR         |   -10000


Topic Id: 8940

Example Ids: 27815,27816,27817,27818

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