Package provides:
Similarities or analogous in other languages:
In the Hello World, you were introduced to the package Ada.Text_IO
, and how to use it in order to perform I/O operations within your program. Packages can be further manipulated to do many different things.
Renaming: To rename a package, you use the keyword renames
in a package declaration, as such:
package IO renames Ada.Text_IO;
Now, with the new name, you can use the same dotted notation for functions like Put_Line
(i.e. IO.Put_Line
), or you can just use
it with use IO
. Of course, saying use IO
or IO.Put_Line
will use the functions from the package Ada.Text_IO
Visibility & Isolation: In the Hello World example we included the Ada.Text_IO package using a with
clause. But we also declared that we wanted to use Ada.Text_IO
on the same line. The use Ada.Text_IO
declaration could have been moved into the declarative part of the procedure:
with Ada.Text_IO;
procedure hello_world is
use Ada.Text_IO;
Put_Line ("Hello, world!");
end hello_world;
In this version, the procedures, functions, and types of Ada.Text_IO
are directly available inside the procedure. Outside the block in which use Ada.Text_IO
is declared, we would have to use the dotted notation to invoke, for example:
with Ada.Text_IO;
procedure hello_world is
Ada.Text_IO.Put ("Hello, "); -- The Put function is not directly visible here
use Ada.Text_IO;
Put_Line ("world!"); -- But here Put_Line is, so no Ada.Text_IO. is needed
end hello_world;
This enables us to isolate the use … declarations to where they are necessary.
As a way of subdividing Ada programs, packages may have so-called children. These can be packages, too. A child package has a special privilege: it can see the declarations in the parent package's private part. One typical use of this special visibility is when forming a hierarchy of derived types in object oriented programming.
package Orders is
type Fruit is (Banana, Orange, Pear);
type Money is delta 0.01 digits 6;
type Bill is tagged private;
procedure Add
(Slip : in out Bill;
Kind : in Fruit;
Amount : in Natural);
function How_Much (Slip : Bill) return Money;
procedure Pay
(Ordered : in out Bill;
Giving : in Money);
type Bill is tagged record
-- ...
Sum : Money := 0.0;
end record;
end Orders;
Any Ada unit that is headed by with Orders;
can declare objects of type Bill
and then call operations Add
, How_Much
, and Pay
. It does not, however, see the components of Bill
, nor even of Orders.Bill
, since the full type definition is hidden in the private part of Orders
. The full definition is not hidden form child packages, though. This visibility facilitates type extension if needed. If a type is declared in the child package as derived from Bill
, then this inheriting type can manipulate Bill
's components directly.
package Orders.From_Home is
type Address is new String (1 .. 120);
type Ordered_By_Phone is new Bill with private;
procedure Deliver
(Ordered : in out Ordered_By_Phone;
Place : in Address);
type Ordered_By_Phone is new Bill with
Delivered : Boolean := False;
To : Address;
end record;
end Orders.From_Home;
is a child package of Orders
. Type Ordered_By_Phone
is derived from Bill
and includes its record component Sum