A with_items
loop in ansible can be used to easily loop over values.
- name: Add lines to this file
lineinfile: dest=/etc/file line={{ item }} state=present
- Line 1
- Line 2
- Line 3
You can also loop over a variable list.
From vars:
- hotdog
- ice cream
- chips
and then the loop:
- name: create directories for storing my snacks
file: path=/etc/snacks/{{ item }} state=directory
with_items: '{{ favorite_snacks }}'
If you are using Ansible 2.0+ you must use quotes around the call to the variable.
It is possible to create more complex loops with dictionaries.
From vars:
- present: tree
- present: nmap
- absent: apache2
then the loop:
- name: manage packages
package: name={{ item.value }} state={{ item.key }}
with_items: '{{ packages }}'
Or, if you don't like to use the key value:
- name: tree
state: present
- name: nmap
state: present
- name: apache2
state: absent
then the loop:
- name: manage packages
package: name={{ item.name }} state={{ item.state }}
with_items: '{{ packages }}'
You can use a dictionary for a slightly more complex loop.
- name: manage packages
package: name={{ item.name }} state={{ item.state }}
- { name: tree, state: present }
- { name: nmap, state: present }
- { name: apache2, state: absent }
You can create nested loops using with_nested
from vars:
- key1
- key2
- key3
- key4
then the loop:
- name: Distribute SSH keys among multiple users
lineinfile: dest=/home/{{ item[0] }}/.ssh/authorized_keys line={{ item[1] }} state=present
- [ 'calvin', 'josh', 'alice' ]
- '{{ keys }}'
This task will loop over each user and populate their authorized_keys
file with the 4 keys defined in the list.